Monday, December 16, 2013

Insert Title Here

I'll start with my California trip! So we started in Carmel and stayed there for a couple days and did the 17 Mile Drive which is basically just a drive along the beach  and stuff. On said drive, there are some CRAZY houses. Like probably costs millon$ to live in them. They are super nice and pretty cool to look at. It was pretty cold there like high 40s, low 50s so not too much beach time sadly. Our hotel there was nice. It was more of a little seaside cottage than a hotel. It was super nice and had a fireplace in the room! Carmel is a cute little town! Then we went to Cambria and my parents did wine tastings there. The hotel there was super dog friendly. When we got there they gave us this "care basket" i guess you could call it, with all this dog stuff. It was cool. Then we went to Santa Barbara for one night and saw their Christmas parade which was rather anti-climatic. It was basically kids 18 and under walking down the street...ya. Our room there was awesome because I got my own room and my own tv! Then we went to Anaheim and got into our hotel room which was also very nice. It was basically a little apartment with a living room with a fireplace, a kitchen a bedroom with two queen beds and a bathroom. Then the next day we went to Hollywood which was a disappointment because I didn't see any famous people and it was really dirty with creepy people. the last week was spent at Disneyland which was awesome because I love Disneyland and you guys NEED TO GO THERE BECAUSE YOU WOULD LOVE IT!!!!

This is going to get a little serious but I need to talk about this. I went into work today to give my boss a Christmas present and get my check and stuff and my boss told me that one of the employee died last week. She was in a car accident but was fine after that and even came into work and she seemed a little shaken up but otherwise fine. She was on pain meds and stuff. Then the next day, her dad came in and told my boos that she had died. I'm sitting here at my computer typing this and I just don't know what to say or what to think. You know when something bad happens and you don't believe and you feel like you need proof that it happened.? That's kinda how I feel. I didn't know her that well so I felt bad because I wasn't crying. But then I thought about and the more I think about it the sadder I get. She was super nice and was always trying to talk to me and I'm shy so I didn't talk to her much and now I feel guilty. She seemed like an amazing person and now she's dead and I'm here watching Lost and eating jelly beans. I feel like I should do something but I don't really know what to do. I just feel bad and depressed. I've been praying for her family and that's all I can really do I guess. The other thing is, i have no idea where she was spiritually, and that makes me REALLY sad. Again, I just don't know what to do, or think, or say. It's just depressing.

I told you it would get serious. Hopefully you guys will help me feel better tomorrow at our EPIC SLEEPOVER which I got permission for and I was worried I wouldn't :) So see ya guys tomorrow! Love you both SO much!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Abby's Christmas List

I meant to post this earlier

1) Sibelius
2) Keyboard
3) Microphone
4) Headphones. Not earbuds.
Stuff that is actually affordable:
5) Those high heeled boots size 9 or any similar boots ankle length and heeled
6) Music books for everything. Like Christmas music, jazz, worship songs, musicals...stuff like that.
7) Games: ticket to ride, settlers. Anything else you think I might like
8) Headbands (like the one's at Charming Charlie's that were cloth)
9) Long socks

Saturday, November 30, 2013

33 Facts About Me and Other Tidbits

If you know more than 21.7 of these facts, you get a prize. :)

1. My mother had three brothers just like me, but one of them was her twin. I've always secretly wished for a twin. 
2. If I could pick one state to live in, it would probably be North Carolina. Because it has mountains and beaches, two of my favorite things in the world. But Alaska and Colorado are close seconds. 
3. Biggest fears? Spiders, losing a member of my family, and marrying a serial killer by accident. 
4. My favorite number is 13, my favorite letter is X and my favorite color is turquoise. 
5. I am very possessive of my things. I like to have all my stuff together and I am really bad about sharing my food. 
6. I can't juggle or change a tire, both things I wish I could do. 
7. I was born with 6 toes on my left foot. I had surgery to take it off when I was 3. You can barely see the scar. 
8. I think video games are really stupid. But I love Age of Empires, which is a computer game. 
9. Just because I don't agree with gay marriage doesn't mean I hate gay people. It's possible to love people who do things you believe are wrong and the world doesn't understand that. 
10. If I could own any pet, it would probably be a leopard. Or a dragon. 
11. My favorite part in any movie is when a bunch of stuff is happening with music in the background. Like in Ratatouille when he's learning to cook. 
12. I would love to backpack the world but I can't. Cause I'm poor. 
13. My biggest weaknesses? Whipped cream, puppies, jackets and Rice Krispie Treats. 
14. I would marry Legolas in a heartbeat. 
15. I have a high pain tolerance but I like people to feel sorry for me when I'm injured. Even though the worst injury I've ever had was my broken nose. And I'm still not sure it was actually broken. 
16. Things I've always wanted are a lava lamp and those super strong magnets you get in a little bag. I finally bought the magnets at the Grand Canyon on my road trip. 
17. Dream jobs are a bartender, a stunt woman and a search and rescue worker. 
18. Number 7 is a total lie. 
19. Pet peeves are pens that don't work, locked doors, and stupid people. 
20. I have 20/25 vision. 
21. Caffeine doesn't affect me. 
22. I am really good at justifying things and I don't have a very strong conscience. It's kind of bad...
23. I am a very fast reader and a good speller, two things I'm proud of. 
24. I love the words creamy, flaky, and fresh.
25. My least favorite feature about myself is my nose. My favorite is my waist/chest.
26. I REALLY wish I could play the guitar. 
27. I can be very nostalgic and I love family traditions.  
28. If I could go anywhere in the world, it would be the moon. Or New Zealand. 
29. I hate it when people underestimate me or don't take me seriously. I HATE IT.
30. Things I would like to do when I move out: get a tattoo, take a pole dancing class, and take a road trip. I could say wear a bikini, but I probably won't.
31. I know I am the person I am because of how my parents raised me, and I'm scared to death I won't be able to raise my kids the same way. 
32. I love the stars.
33. When I was little, I always wanted a best friend. And now I have two amazing ones!!!
Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me, although you probably already knew most of them. Your prize is the warm fuzzy feeling you get from knowing so much about me!!! I'm gonna miss you a lot, Brianna. Have a great trip!! 

Here's my Christmas list: 
•A Buff. One of those head things you can wear 12 different ways. I would like a greenish one but not one with a weird pattern...
•A hardback copy of Inheritance. 
•Gift cards to REI, Target, Kohl's or Starbucks. 
•I'm trying decide if I want Casino Royale...
•A pair of those shoes that Abby bought at Payless. The clog-like ones with fur. I like the brown ones. In size 9. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

10 years Later

I apologize for not blogging for so freaking long. BUT I have been very busy. Yeah, I know. No excuse but that's mine. These past two weeks have been filled with tests and papers and so much practicing. I am officially a terrible student towards Dr. Spillman (the guy who is filling in for Dr. Korevaar). I know that this also has no excuse, but I really have no desire to practice for him and impress him. 
I am writing this on my way to Arkansas. It is currently 8:15 in the evening and we have been on the road since 7 am. Needless to say, this trip is insane. Just imagine Joel and Isaac and Chloe in the backseat, tired. Yeah. It's a little bit crazy. But honestly, I don't even really mind because I love them all (for the most part. You know how that is).  We were playing this game where you say your name then a sibling's name, then where you live, then what you sell started with a certain letter (ex: My name is Abby. My brother's name is Allen. We live in Alabama. We sell Art. and so on) and Joel had F and suddenly he goes "Hi. My name is Francis. My sister's name is Fraberta. And then we all just lost it. It was very funny and very fun and we had a good time. 
I know that you both probably hate me because I like Seth and because we are dating. But I don't know what to do. What am I supposed to say? "I never want to spend time with him because he isn't someone I enjoy being around and he doesn't help me to think about important, difficult things." I don't know. Plus I feel like if you really hate it, then you should just tell me so that I will break up with him and be your friends instead of yours and his too. Am I just supposed to not want to spend any time with him when I come home? I won't even tell you guys anything about him because I know you guys don't actually want to hear it.
Anyway. So my friend Mikah is going to college in Australia. I am totally going to go visit her out there when she does because it would be so awesome! I have always wanted to go to Australia! 
I have also decided that now that I'm in college, I can literally do anything that i want to. If I want to go to Australia, then I can save up money and go. If I want to buy myself a pair of shoes then I can. And if I want to take a literature class, then I can just take it. I can't wait until you both have moved out and can experience that for yourselves!

Here's my Christmas list:
-Pair of heeled boots size 9 like the ones that I saw at Charming Charlie's or Payless
-Gift Card to Charming Charlie's
-Money towards a nice keyboard I can hook up to my computer
-Headphones that cover your ear all the way. NOT earbuds
I'm sure I'll think of more things but these are pretty important.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Brianna's Christmas Wish List

Colorado avalanche lanyard
Obsessed with Star Wars book
Moulin Rouge
Gerard Butler
Memory Lane Mcfly cd
Anything and everything Star Wars
Anything and everything colorado avalanche
Gift cards
Clone Wars Season 4 (please!!!)

Monday, November 11, 2013

It's Long

 So this is stuff from the past few weeks and may not be currently relevant. Hey, it's not my fault you guys took forever to blog! I will start at non-current and go to current :)

So I was writing a story on ancient roman  history for my short story writing class and I was having HORRIBLE writer's block. It's strange. If I'm not in the right mood to write, and I try to write, it all comes out as boring unreadable crap. So I was I a writing mood for the first 3 weeks of school while we weren't allowed to write yet an then as soon a we are supposed to write my mind goes blank. It's due tomorrow and thankfully this was a good week and I got it all done, and it is actually pretty good!

I am still DYING to see Prisoners.

I have become hooked on The Vampire Diaries. Don't judge it by the name. It's like Twilight except they got people who could actually act and this one actually had an interesting story line. Oh yes. Did I mention the endless amount of hot vampires?

Back in June I think it was, Gracie and I met Jessica Alba and I recently had been thinking about that and so I had this dream that I was in LA and I was lost or something and Jessica Alba came along and picked me up in her limo and we became best friends. It was awesome! Then I woke up :(

I have been feeling extra quiet and shy lately. Oh both know I am shy but I have just felt more shy. And awkward. Even with people I know, like people at work and youth group. I guess I was just going through some weird phase or some crap.

I am pretty sure I told you the story about my bird escaping and hen coming back! If my find it on Facebook cuz I don't feel like typing it all out right now.

From here on everything is within the past two days current. 

So I got this book from the library on Friday and I freaking love it It's called the Last Disciple and it's by "the bible answer man" and it is about Ancient Rome which is my favorite time period and oh my gosh I love it.

Also.... Hold on I need to compose myself. I watched Olympus has Fallen and... Hang on....I FREAKING LOVE THE FREAKING MOVIE!!!!!! IT'S SO FREAKING GOOD!!!! OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT!! I WATCHED IT TWICE!!!! Well one and a half times. It's so good!!! Watch it!!!!!!

Okay that's it for me for now. Abby I miss you. I have not seen you in forever! I lost your ring....but the I FOUND IT!!! :)
I was going to post my Christmas list but it's late and I want to read before I go to sleep so I'll post it tomorrow :)
Love ya guys!!

P.S. If you have not watched it yet, watch the old Spock, new Spock car commercial. Hilarious!!!
The pulley. THE PULLEY!! NOW!!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I'm So Tired...sorry

yes yes i know it's been a while. but as long as we keep blogging it doesn't matter as much when we do it. also i am tired and so this is going to be a little random.

i feel like there are a lot of things i could write. let's see.....
 moving of course. we move wed thurs fri of this week and hopefully we'll be all done by saturday. my mom is thinking that after we get all our stuff moved over there we'll all go back over to this house and do a bunch of cleaning. every body else is like 'no. once we move out we're done.' plus we've practically bent over backwards for the vogels this whole move. we gave them a great deal on the house and yet we're the ones who have to have the deck blocked off for 3 weeks and them coming over to our house at 9 o'clock at night. anyway. this will soon be over.
chris came for the weekend which was nice but when he and justin are together with the family it's sort of all about them. which is fine. but it would be nice to be noticed once in a while. lydia is great though. she and i get along really well. i hope i get along well with lauren, chris's gf. she's coming for 10 days over christmas break. we'll see how that goes.
not much else is going on. i'm doing school obviously. i have a test on monday, which is actually goos cause it means the homework load will be light for the rest of the week. i'm wishing deborah will grow a pair and tell michael what's up. i'll keep you posted about that. i know i told you both about how i have way too much time on my hands. i'm thinking about taking a few classes next semester. maybe jewelry, photography, massage, guitar. somethin like that. i would also like to join some sort of a sports team. but i have no idea where or how to do that.
also if you guys want to go to operation christmas child, i'm trying to organize a group to go. let me know what times would work best and if you know anybody who would want to go.
also what about catching fire? abby would you want to go see a late showing of it on the 22nd of november.
that's all i got. have a good week.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Alright, I know. It's taken me way too long to blog! But whatever! I don't even care ;) Actually, the reason for that is that there has been a ton on my mind lately concerning my family and my life. Which you guys now OFFICIALLY know everything about my family and my life. So you know there's a bit to struggle through. And I am constantly struggling because well, I am constantly being presented with these opportunities to glimpse God's plan for a family and so I just compare my life and it's so different and it makes me sad. But I know that God will bring me through everything that is hard for me to deal with because well, he's God and he's awesome!!!

On a different note, my nephew Silas is the most precious thing in the entire world. Seriously. He is so precious.

Also, I sat next to these frat guys in my english class the past few class periods. And they have been talking hangovers. Just so you know: wine is rough of the hangovers and so is Jack Daniels. Also, the guy on the second floor of my dorm (my english class has only people from my dorm in it) said that he bought a strobe light, a disco ball, 7 (I think) bags of wine (each bag contains 8 bottles of wine...) and he was excited to throw a party in his dorm. Thank the Lord I discovered earplugs before this very night. Also, thank the Lord he is not on my floor.

Yesterday, I was eating dinner in the C4C with Andrew and this guy at the table behind me banged his head so hard on the back of his booth that Andrew and I cried a little from laughing so darn much! It was hilarious. And then that guy was like "are they laughing at me" and he was a big black dude so I was a tad worried but nothing happened because I am still here and not beaten up.

The reason I wrote my last title as "Squirrel!" is because I was feeling very disjointed and distracted when I wrote it just like in "UP" when the dog yells Squirrel! and gets all distracted.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013


So you both know I am boy crazy. I haven't been for a while though but now I really am again. I've been watching Once Upon A Time with my parents (I am so happy they love it!!!) an Captain Hook is really hot. So is the Mad hatter. So is this one guy who I can't tell you about. Also Prince Charming is extremely attractive. Ok fine I'll stop talking about hot guys now.
I really want a horse. I think it would be the best thing ever. The sad thing is it probably won't happen anytime in the foreseeable future. It costs a lot and I am saving my money for college, spring break :D, Christmas, and extra spending money for my California trip in December (speaking of which, we have to change our Christmas shopping day because my dad changed our vacation plans. We leave on the 1st and get back on the 15th so be thinking about when to go).
Anyway I might lease a horse which would pretty much be half owning a horse which would be legit and I could compete in competitions with it!!
Also I am really into Hockey right now. I love it!!! It gives me something to do with my brother Luke! It's awesome! I love it!! And they are so many hot hockey players :) sorry I said I wouldn't talk about guys anymore.
Mr. Vogel is funny. We are doing football in P.E. :p and someone new asked if it would be like playing wii sports and he went into his story about playing wii tennis and using perfect form and losing to another person who is flicking their wrists. He told us never to use wii and sports in the say sentence ever again. I love Mr. Vogel, he's awesome.
And last, I've been having some weird experiences with Caleb. It seemed like last year in school we were best friends like he would always save me a seat next to him at lunch and in art class and basically in all our classes but now he kind of doesn't  care if I'm anywhere near him or not. We don't talk as much or anything. It's weird. This might be better to talk about in person. Also I want to talk about another guy :)
Love you guys!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Forgot to tell you that the 4 seasons doesn't offer free breakfast....poop.
And Brianna changed her vacation dates so we need to change our shopping date. Abby maybe we can pull you out of school early ;)

Femur Bone!!

So you know when you suddenly have an epiphany about yourself? Like when I realized I loved whipped cream or when i discovered that i can be bossy. ;) I was playing ball with my perfect angel dog (who is better than Lady) in the backyard and i realized that i love making lists. I love pouring my mind out onto a list and then not have to remember what i need to do. i need to work on completing the list though....
anyhoo. let's see what insights i can give you today.
never move if you can possibly avoid it. do whatever you have to do, sell your body, live in a tent, but do not attempt to move. it will make your hair fall out and you will want to kill yourself. that being said, i cannot wait to be done with this whole process. ugh.

the garage sale went all right. I made about $215. i would have made more, we had plenty of stuff, but it wasn't necessarily good stuff. but two hundred dollars is nothing to sneeze at i suppose. i'm going to use the money to buy christmas presents for my family. i have probably told you guys that already...oh well.

also here's my two cents on spring break. everybody i've told that i'm going to denver has looked at me kind of funny, like 'you're going to spring break in....denver? 20 minutes away?' i don't even care. yeah i would rather go on a road trip or fly to hawaii but do i have the money for that? no. so hush up. also the four seasons is very expensive but i think it's going to be totally worth it. it either of you have misgivings about our current plan , please say something!! :D i've been trying to find hotels for $100 -$115 but they are few and far between. they are either not that nice or far away from denver. so if you guys want to do your own search or we can drive a bit farther or pay a bit more. let's talk again about it. :) we also need to try and think of ways to make money...even like $200 would pay for the fours season pretty much...maybe ask for cash for christmas ;)

also this is so so so awful. i was driving down hover the other day and i see this dog jump out of the back of this convertible ON HOVER AS THE LADY WAS DRIVING LIKE 45 MPH and he was being half dragged by his leash and he's half running and everyone around her is honking like crazy and she's just driving la te da and finally finally she stops and i pulled up next to her and asked if he was okay and she was like 'oh yeah!" and i drove away feeling like i wanted to report her to animal control. some people shouldn't own animals.

also guess what? we are flying chris down here for my mom's birthday. she is going to be so surprised but it's the weekend right before we move so i'm kind of hoping she can just enjoy him and not be freaking out about packing.

ok i think that's it for me. if you are confused about my title abby did a random word for her title so i am just continuing the trend. ;) have a great week!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


So I probably shouldn't write this with my roommate literally sitting 5 feet away from me. However, this annoys me. She is writing an essay about morals and she is trying to explain how having sex is not morally wrong BUT WITHOUT USING RELIGION. How are there morals without religion? There are not. I still like her but people who live in sin have such a twisted view of the world. Ok. Technically, I still "live in sin" but I have repented and I sometimes sin because I'm still in the world. But she has rejected Jesus (she went to High School Youth Group some and said she heard the Gospel) and that I did not do. So anyway. I would love prayer for my roommate because I actually think that God is going to lead me to talk to her about it. Also, I need prayer for me so that I will ACTUALLY talk to her about it. Also, I probably sound all elitest and "holier than thou" so pray for me for that too ;)

Anyways, my week has been good. Rachel won't have her baby and I want her to sooooo badly!!!! SO BADLY.
Also, last weekend I met Seth's "ex-love-interest" (they never dated but they wanted to) and it was so awkward. Never have I met someone who had so much hate towards me right off the bat. I mean, right off the bat. I don't think I told B about this but it was intense. Plus she is a rather large person (not fat just really tall and bigger than me) so I was scared of her.
But enough about THAT! I know that what you really want to hear about it Seth. I know, I wanna hear  about him too, and talk about him. ;)
haha I wouldn't do that to you. But he is hot and you know it.
Grace and I are going to donate plasma for the spring break fund. We have to do it.
Also, if my professor forgets about another one of my lessons, I WILL strangle him.
That's about it for now. I'm sure I'll think of something that I really should have written in here but now I'm at the end and I have a stupid test tomorrow and I haven't even LISTENED to the music. Crap.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Something I forgot :p

I GOT MY LICENSE!!!!! It's so cool having  a car and being able to go wherever I want and not have to count on other people to take me places. Also I like having control over the music and singing really loudly and annoyingly because no one can hear :D that is all. Keep Calm and Carry On.

Heart Rate Monitor

So my day started out okay. Got up a bit early before work to take Lady for a walk. Then I got to work and it started to suck. A lot. Like I was messing things up and my boss seemed to be getting irked. I worked 11-3 but then my day got better when I offered to stay longer at wok because we had 1,000 (not kidding) Tago smoothies to get done and my boss had to leave by 5:15. And we got almost all of them done between 3-5:15 which is probably a record considering how crazy busy it had been. But I ended up staying 2 hours past my shift which gave me MAJOR brownie points with my boss :) Then I went to my brother's house for dinner and that was fun. Then I went to youth group and got into a debate with Matt, Mark and Laith about Pit Bulls...ya let's not go into that. Let's just say I am irked by their ignorance. 
Then I came home an watched this awesome Anime movie with KT. 
So there is this guy at youth group and I think he may have a crush on me. That!s totally fine with me because he's hot and he's really nice and he's hot. Just stuff he did like sit right next me when there were lots other places to sit and stuff like that. He's really nice though :) and hot. 
Anyhow this is titles heart rate monitor because my days usually go up and down. And to quote this picture I found once, if there aren't ups and downs in your life it means your dead, with a picture of a heart rate monitor. So that's that. I miss you guys and look forward to hanging out soon! I must go do history homework (I got a 94 on my test yesterday!!!) and then go to bed!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

It's Basically a Novel....

Well it has been a while since i've blogged so buckle up, it's gonna be a long ride.

1. yes i finally talked to deborah about her failing to raise her child. i told her very politely that she needs to tell him what will happen and don't change her mind. just let me pick him up. he will be fine. she actually listened to me and agreed but said that she is waiting for her mom to die before she can focus on his anxiety and i'm like you can't handle a woman on life support and a 9-year-old? but i am thankful that there are steps in the right direction at least.

2. i started a core exercise class with mr.vogel's apprentice...yes i know it's not a pole dancing class but i am excited to actually have a class,which is way better than trying to motivate myself. and it's just me and my dad in the class so far, which is a little weird and it's at 7 in the morning which sucks cause i hate the early morning.  but i will be buff shortly and hopefully able to do a handstand.

3. justin almost got scammed on craig's list by this guy who overpaid for his bike by $1700 dollars and then told justin just to send him the extra money back. luckily we saved justin by alerting him that it was a scam. he was mad because he didn't figure it out first and everyone was yelling about what he should do and he finally told us all to take our opinions and leave. not really but basically. so the moral of THAT story is to watch out for scammers.

4. speaking of giving advice, last week i felt sad and depressed because i feel like my family doesn't really value my opinion or me really. they never ask in-depth questions about my life. i mean, i'm technically going to college even if it's not university and it's interesting and i love it but noooo grace still lives at home so she must be 15 still. and i'm a girl and for some reason the men in my family are somewhat sexist......girls can do stuff too. sheesh. so you guys could pray that i feel peace about that.

5. this garage sale had better bring in a lot of money because it's going to give me a hernia. there is so much stuff to organize and decide on pricing and make signs and ugh. thanks so much for being willing to help.

6. there was a stray dog in our yard the other day and it was really cute but it was so scared and it tucked itself back in the corner of the yard behind the rose bushes and so i had to call animal control and they come and got him but i didn't get to see them take him away because i was in the bathroom dying. literally my insides were melting and coming out get the picture. it was because i had had dairy pretty much every day for 2 weeks and then i stopped on tuesday cause i knew i was gonna get sick. but then saturday we got BWW for lunch and i just HAD to have a few parmesan garlic and my stomach was like 'haha NO you just jumped off the cliff of pain and death into the lava of agony.' it was a bad time for me. so now i am going to be dairy free for a few weeks. hopefully.

well i think you're pretty much caught up from the last week or so. it worked really well for me to keep a note whenever i thought of something to blog so you might try it :) i am really excited for friday so have an awesome week till then love you!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Nothing much to say today

I really don't have much to say, except that I am going to this thing called RMGA tonight. I'm pretty excited about it because it's going to be similar to Winter Retreat I think. A lot of the people that I've met at CRU are awesome and I love having a place to go on campus that is Christ-oriented.
In other news, I joined an intramural soccer team and I played in my first game of soccer since freshman year yesterday. It was rough. My ball handling skills suck plus I'm out of shape...but hey! The girls are all very nice and they still passed me the ball even though I kept missing.
In other other news, I have been practicing but not accomplishing much. Like I spend an hour in the practice rooms and learn like 2 measures (that's an exaggeration but still). Plus my professor is kinda scary but he actually said that it sounded really good. I just wish that he thought I was amazing at piano but oh well.
Also, I hate peer revision. My peer reviewer has nothing useful to tell me. AT ALL.
Also, I cannot wait to see my crack pots thingy

Oh, and yeah. It's snowing here. IN OCTOBER.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A bit short...

So I'm a little bit sick. I HATE BEING SICK. It is irksome to me. I hope I'm better by Saturday because we are having a party for me and heather for our birthdays. Anyway, I am really excited to go to the opening night for the Avs tonight!! So excited! Luke is taking me for my birthday!! 
Yesterday was awesome I love hanging out with you guys so much!!! 
I get my license tomorrow. Hopefully. I am so bloody nervous. Prayer are greatly appreciated. I reeeeally hope I'm feeling alright tomorrow morning.
This is a bit short but you can deal with it :)
Love you guys

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Short. But not as short as Brianna's.

As i write this i have pumpkin pie and whipped cream in my stomach and Casino Royale in my cd drive so i'm feeling pretty good. It's been awhile since i've blogged because *cough Brianna cough* just kidding it's fine. :)
So let's see....we've been doing scenarios in my class which are really fun but i do have a test monday and it's not going to be pretty....i got an 87% on the last one and a 95% on the first so if i don't blow it too badly i should be fine.
in other news we are packing up our house like crazy. crazy because of all the crap we have. we will be selling that crap at a garage sale on oct. 12. tell your friends. there will be a lot of crap for sale. i will make a lot of money.
if you want to laugh watch between two ferns with zach galifianakis. it is so funny. THE CHAIR ALWAYS BREAKS.
anyhoo this is very short but like i said i have casino royale ready to go. thank you and goodnight.

Friday, September 27, 2013

What Does the Fox Say?

I was introduced to the YouTube video "What Does the Fox Say" a few weeks ago. It's actually hilarious to me. I think that you would both think it's very funny, or that I'm just strange. Probably a little of both. BUT. I was in my community bathroom yesterday night (A.K.A. Thirsty Thursday. That's another thing I could go into, but Thirsty Thursday is just basically one huge face palm to me. Literally). These two girls came in the bathroom after me - I don't know, maybe they had to poop? probably not. - and they were like "WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY! OMG! TAKE A VIDEO! TAKE A PICTURE OF ME!!" and I walked out the stall just wanting to wash my hands and they freaked out and both ran into separate stalls. Like, they screamed and FREAKED OUT. And so I'm like, "What DOES the fox say?" And I look in the mirror and one of the girls is video taping the other girl, over the stall wall. And I'm thinking to myself "if they were embarrassed, they are really not helping that now..." and so I just start washing my face. And then the come out and they're like "do you know what the fox says?" and then they just start going "Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!" over and over and run out of the bathroom with a ton of those paper towels. And I'm finishing up washing my face and stuff and this guy comes in to the girls' bathroom (there's no guys' bathroom since our half of the floor is only girls), he sees me, gets this look like "holy crap I'm screwed! This girl is going to think I am gonna kill her", turns around and fumbles for the door handle. I'm like "dude. You're fine. Just go to the bathroom" and he sheepishly walks to a stall and says "don't worry, I won't rape you." And we go our separate ways. I'm walking back to my room (it's probably like 20 feet MAYBE) and those same girls are just wearing the paper towels as bras and miniskirts.

And one time, I was walking down the hallway from the bathroom and this girl goes "man, my sex life is really getting in the way of school." And this other girl screams "f***ing isn't getting in the way of school! School is getting in the way of my F***ING!!!"

What? College.

Also, here's the link to "what does the fox say".

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Patience is a Virtue

Yay my iPod is finally letting me blog! Well right now I am physically and mentally exhausted. Physically because I just got off work, mentally because I texted something this morning asking if they could take me to youth group and I thought that would be plenty of time for them to respond. They still haven't texted me back. So then I was basically stranded at work and I hate when I don't have stuff planned. Like I need to know what's going on and how is driving me and how I'm getting where. I am seriously about to cry right now because I am so stressed about not knowing how I am getting to youth group. But then my my incredibly amazing friend is coming to pick me up. But I am still stressed. (I am writing this later. It turned out that this person didn't text me back because their phone was water logged and in a bag of rice. All is good now :D)
Anyway. I'm sorry I haven't blogged. Actually I did but Grace didn't like it. But anyway my computer is being a pain the butt.
I was watching the movie Warrior last night and I realized that I love it. I'm not really in to boxing and mixed martial arts, like I don't like watching it on tv or anything but I love watching movies about it. Plus, Warrior has the best movie ending I have ever seen. I love it. So. Much.
Anywho, road trip. So the first thing is I really want to do it. But it's not my decision if I go or not I have to ask my parents. So don't be disappointed with me if it turns out I can't go :) Also I refuse to go unless you promise me ONE day at Disneyland. I will REFUSE!!!!
Well that's about it for now. I really want to work on my story so bye :)

Friday, September 20, 2013

One thing

 I love Colin Farrell's eyebrows.
That is all.


Basically my week has become the best week ever! I haven't received such good news since I got my scholarship offer. I cried when that happened...a lot. I mean, to think I am being paid $850 a semester to come to music school at CU. WHAT? It just blows my mind. Nothing could make me upset. Nothing. Annoyed? Yes. But I will not be upset for a long time for sure. Things to do with the money:
1) Be able to actually buy Christmas presents for people this year.
2) Buy a plane ticket to Nome for the summer.
3) ROADTRIP <----happening.
4) Buy clothes that I want.
5) Get a full body wax. I don't know if I have enough guts for that. And I don't know if I want to spend that much money on one thing. I'll keep you posted

So you know what makes me insecure? Girls. Yeah this is totally a textbook answer, but I was thinking: Girls are ruthless and hot. There's this girl in my English class and I'm pretty sure that any of the guys in that class would literally eat out her hand. I mean, if I dressed like her and acted like her, they'd probably do that for me too. But I won't. And she will. And that makes me insecure you know? But you know what? She's not getting paid to FREAKING GO TO MUSIC SCHOOL AND DO WHAT SHE LOVES!!! :) :) :)

PLUS she doesn't have awesome friends or a blog. (I bet)

Also, I finally got a compliment from the piano teacher and it made me so happy! He never says "That's a great sound" or "You're doing great", but he did yesterday and that was such a relief.

Also, look up "Snow" by John Foreman. Do it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Insert Generic Title Here

Can I just say that if a singer wins america's got talent this year i am going to be severely disappointed. I'll keep you posted.
Also i am afraid to use spell check because i feel like it's going to make me dumb. Speaking of dumb, sometimes i feel like i'm not really learning or retaining anything during homework but them i actually go to class and feel smart. because people in my class are dumb. some people.
That being said i'm really starting to enjoy class because we're starting to get to know each other better so it's more fun in class. I am starting to get nervous about clinicals at the end of the school year though.....yikes.
Also, IF WE DO NOT TAKE A ROAD TRIP OVER SPRING BREAK I AM GOING TO WEEP AND THEN DIE. But seriously how awesome would that be!! i adore road trips and we would have such an amazing fun time together!! pleeeeeeeeeeeeease let that happen.
apparently the longmont mall has set up a center for flood victims to come and get clothes and food and stuff and people can go and sign up for  shifts to go and help, so i might go on friday to help out a little. I heard that the people who live in places like pinewood springs won't be able to get back to their houses till april or may. that's crazy!! how do they seal their house up for winter?! my dad said that private helicopter pilots are going to make a fortune this year. Which leads to my next thought about how we can become millionares:
1.we can sell our eggs. valued at $5500 each, that's insane. 
2. we can donate plasma. i think you get at least $30 every time you do it.not as much as the eggs but not too bad for something our bodies make for free.
3. b suggested we sell our hair for wigs. let's just be totally honest that i could be a billionaire if i sold my hair.
4. while we are selling parts of our body why don't we just sell everything. we could be badass prostitutes. at the very least strippers, especially if i take a pole dancing class.....jk jk don't worry.
Hope you guys are having a good week let's have a road trip meeting the next time abby comes back to town.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Let's get the serious stuff out of the way first. I am feeling bad because on Sunday, I was in a really bad mood and was acting really selfish and when I was thinking about it later I thought there are lots of people getting evacuated from their houses because of the flood and here I am complaining about this little thing. it kinda made me realize that I need to not complain about little things.
Anyway, with that out of the way, I am really loving the show Once Upon A Time.
it's awesome!! Also i really love the new Star Trek. A lot. I could go on a rant about how much I love Benedict Cumerbatch. Grace and I decided that he isn't cute, he is hot and possibly sexy is a good word to describe him, but handsome is just the best word. He is so.....awesome. In. Every. Way. I love him.I also love Chris Pine. He has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I don;t know if in movies they enhance them, but they are so blue and big and beautiful. I love eyes. I love drawing them, I love looking at them. Everything.
On Friday a movie called prisoners is coming out. It has Jake Gyllenhaal and Hugh Jackman and it looks AMAZING!! It looks very intense but awesome! We should go see it!!
Well there is boy crazy movie lover rant. There might be more coming soon :) like right now. The Prince charming from Once Upon A Time is a hottie!!
Here is a hilarious story for your enjoyment  
This is for all of you who occasionally have a really bad day when you just need to take it out on someone!!! Don't take that bad day out on someone you know, take it out on someone you DON'T know!!! 

Now get this. I was sitting at my desk, when I remembered a phone call I had to make. I found the number and dialed it. A man answered nicely saying, "Hello?" I politely said, "This is Patrick Hanifin and could I please speak to Robin Carter?"

Suddenly the phone was slammed down on me! I couldn't believe that anyone could be that rude. I tracked down Robin's correct number and called her. She had transposed the last two digits incorrectly.
After I hung up with Robin, I spotted the wrong number still lying there on my desk. I decided to call it again. When the same person once more answered, I yelled "You're an asshole!" and hung up. Next to his phone number I wrote the word "asshole," and put it in my desk drawer.

Every couple of weeks, when I was paying bills, or had a really bad day, I'd call him up. He'd answer, and then I'd yell, "You're an asshole!" It would always cheer me up.

Later in the year the phone company introduced caller ID. This was a real disappointment for me, I would have to stop calling the asshole.

Then one day I had an idea. I dialed his number, then heard his voice, "Hello." I made up a name. "Hi. This is the sales office of the telephone company and I'm just calling to see if you're familiar with our caller ID program?" He went, "No!" and slammed the phone down. I quickly called him back and said, "That's because you're an asshole!"
The reason I took the time to tell you this story, is to show you how if there's ever anything really bothering you, you can do something about it. Just dial 823-4863.

Then, one day this old lady at the mall really took her time pulling out of the parking space. I didn't think she was ever going to leave. Finally, her car began to move and she started to very slowly back out of the slot. I backed up a little more to give her plenty of room to pull out.

Great, I thought, she's finally leaving.

All of a sudden this black Camaro came flying up the parking aisle in the wrong direction and pulled into her space. I started honking my horn and yelling, "You can't just do that, Buddy. I was here first!" The guy climbed out of his Camaro completely ignoring me. He walked toward the mall as if he didn't even hear me. I thought to myself, this guy's an asshole; there sure are a lot of assholes in this world. I noticed he had a "For Sale" sign in the back window of his car. I wrote down the number. Then I hunted for another place to park.

A couple of days later, I'm at home sitting at my desk. I had just gotten off the phone after calling 823-4863 and yelling, "You're an asshole!" (It's really easy to call him now since I have his number on speed dial.) I noticed the phone number of the guy with the black Camaro lying on my desk and thought I'd better call this guy, too.

After a couple rings someone answered the phone and said, "Hello."

I said, "Is this the man with the black Camaro for sale?"

"Yes, it is."

"Can you tell me where I can see it?"

"Yes, I live at 1802 West 34th street. It's a yellow house and the car's parked right out front."

I said, "What's your name?"

"My name is Don Hansen."

"When's a good time to catch you, Don?"

"I'm home in the evenings."

"Listen Don, can I tell you something?"


"Don, you're an asshole!" And I slammed the phone down.
After I hung up I added Don Hansen's number to my speed dialer. For a while things seemed to be going better for me. Now when I had a problem I had two assholes to call. Then after several months of calling the assholes and hanging up on them, it just wasn't as enjoyable as it used to be. I gave the problem some serious thought and came up with a solution.

First, I had my phone dial Asshole #1. A man answered nicely saying, "Hello." I yelled "You're an asshole!", but I didn't hang up.

The asshole said, "Are you still there?"
I said, "Yeah."

He said, "Stop calling me."

I said, "No."

He said, "What's your name, Pal?"

I said, "Don Hansen."

He said "Where do you live?"

"1802 West 34th Street. It's a yellow house and my black Camaro's parked out front."

"I'm coming over right now, Don. You'd better start saying your prayers."

"Yeah, like I'm really scared, Asshole!" and I hung up.

Then I called Asshole #2.

He answered, "Hello."

I said, "Hello, Asshole!"

He said, "If I ever find out who you are..."

"You'll what?"

"I'll kick your butt."

"Well, here's your chance. I'm coming over right now Asshole!"

And I hung up.

Then I picked up the phone and called the police. I told them I was at 1802 West 34th Street and that I was going to kill my gay lover as soon as he got home. Another quick call to Channel 13 about the gang war going on down West 34th Street.

After that I climbed into my car and headed over to 34th Street to watch the whole thing. Glorious! If you want to watch two Assholes kicking the crap out of each other in front of 6 squad cars and a police helicopter, ...

I taped it all off the evening news. lol

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Why does there have to be a title? That's putting it into such a box.

I don't really have very much to say today. You know why that is? Because I was in Longmont since Thursday and either you were there with me or I was doing other things like hanging out with Seth. And I know just how much you both LOVE to read about that. Even if I have to tell you both something CRAZY. (This time, it's actually crazy.) So there's that. I did not practice nearly enough this weekend. When I go home for any amount of time, I automatically think that I'm on vacation and that's not a good thing because then I don't learn music. But wait, you both don't care about hearing about my practicing either. After I was stuck on a bus for hours on end and then rescued by my knight in shining armor (that's you, Grace), I basically watched movies all weekend and also made that delicious bread with you guys. Well actually you guys made it, and I looked at iFunny (the little red hen)...I couldn't have pictured a better weekend. Oh wait, I could have. One option for a better weekend includes going to Alaska. Enough said.

Anyway, this living-on-a-floor-with-all-women is really screwing with me. My stupid period is late which makes me bloated and angry and starving. I think I ate all day today and I could probably eat more. If I don't start it soon, I'm going to be gaining my freshman 30 lbs instead of 15, THIS WEEK.

One highlight of the year: none of our houses got flooded. I am just taking a moment right now to thank God so much for that fact. I don't know what my mom would have done if our house had flooded. I mean, we are not necessarily struggling to get by, but we would be if there had been a flood. We seriously would have been struggling. Needless to say, it's devastating to be a part of this. These CRU leaders, Arielle and Michael are newlyweds. In a new apartment with new things and new wedding gifts and their new lives and it was all flooded by the rain. It came in seconds. Suddenly it was up to their knees and the next their shoulders apparently. I want to give them my tithing money (the next time that I actually make any money) so if you want to, you can too. I just feel terrible for them. They are so awesome and so in love and so encouraging. I wish it didn't have to happen to them! It's so terrible.

Also, what if I have mono? I have been unnaturally tired for me lately and unable to focus...I doubt it but still.

Oh, and did I mention that Wednesday night there Farrand Field was a GIANT SLIP AND SLIDE  right outside my room? Because there was. And then these 3 guys invited me to go shower with them. Which was extremely awkward and I just kept on walking. Awkward.

Not in light of the natural disaster, but in light of my own life, this is a great verse: "Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry." -Colossians 3:5 Put it to death. Do it.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Guess what I'm gonna blog about.

Well.  The 100-Year Flood is all anybody is talking about. I was at work on thursday when the flooding really started. We kept hearing about roads closing and things collapsing and towns evacuating and it was hard to tell what was true and what was rumor. We knew it was bad because you could see that the parking lot of staples, best buy, and  dick's sporting goods had become a river. A river! that's crazy! when they finally let me off of work and i drove east on 119, the st. vrain had risen so much it was unrecognizable. and of course you know i got abby and we had to pee so bad blah blah blah. and then that night the news said it was only going to get worse and i thought 'how can this get worse? hover has a river across it and longmont is pretty much isolated!' thankfully the meteorologists were wrong and we didn't get much more rain on friday. now it's saturday and they are saying tomorrow it's supposed to pour again.....
 it's incredible to me how water can be so devastating. Living on the north side of town, everything looks perfectly normal. I can be doing homework or watching a movie and have this nagging thought like 'something's not right' and then i remember that south longmont is pretty much underwater and boulder and estes park and lyons are drenched. It's also amazing to see how the city has rallied to support the people worst hit. I heard that they aren't even accepting any more donations.That's crazy! I also heard someone say 'well at least we know the whole earth won't flood' and so i felt compelled to put those verses here.

And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

There is not much going on besides that. I have so much homework for monday but i don't feel this urge to do it because i don't know if there will be school on monday. Not that it matters because the assignments are to be me. and i've gotta watch the little brathole today. i always want to go do something on saturdays with him and he hates my ideas....Yesterday i told him we were going to take gus for a walk and he whined and whined and i go 'guess what? guess what i'm going to tell you.' and he screws up his face and says in a really high voice 'sometime you just have to suck it up' and i was like exactly. Maybe i'm getting through to him....who knows.

OK well that's it. I have an urge to watch a movie but i don't know what i want to watch..suggestions welcome. stay dry.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Life is Pretty Cool Right Now :)

I just finished a 2 hour work out! I am determined to get in shape! I have been doing pretty good workouts for the past 4 days! I usually will really get excited about workouts and do it really well for maybe a week and then give up on it. I would really like to get a gym membership, but my mom doesn't want me going alone. There are several reasons i really want to be in shape.
1. I don't want to be that person in P.E. sitting on the side dying because I can't finish Mr. Vogel's core workout. Or the one who is lagging behind because they can't run the whole time while we play soccer and basketball and stuff.
2. I am training to be a Jedi
3. I am tired of my shorts and jeans being too tight.
4. I really want to be able to do this parkour move where you can go from lying on your back to standing up in one move by using your core.
5. It will make horseback riding easier
6. I promised you, Gracie, that I would do the warrior dash next year
 So yup! I am on a health kick right now.
In other news, i started Master's hand and i am loving it. We are at a different church this year and it it a lot nicer! The gym is huge! Grace, you will have to come for badmitten. Mr. V said he figured out how to put 4 nets up at a time! People were making fun of me in Writing class because I love writing and I couldn't contain my excitement for that class.
I can't express to you guys how lucky I feel to have you as friends. Part of why my life is really great right now is the fact that I have two AMAZING friends. When I was in elementary school I remember thinking that I couldn't name any friends. I felt really alone. I've had friends in the past but most of them are not close to me anymore. We have the kind of relationship that I believe will last a life time. I love you guys so much!
The one sad thing in my life right now is my dad being away on business trips all the time. I miss him a lot and it's weird not seeing him every night.
Anyhow that's about it for now!


Typical Wednesday

Every Wednesday I have a piano lesson. I have to practice on these days or else I feel so nervous for my lesson! I mean what can Dr. Spillman really do to me? Kick me out and take away my scholarship? Perhaps...If I don't wake up early enough in the morning, then I can't get a practice room. It's kind of insane. Does this make sense to you: 8 pianos for 50 piano students? And everyone is required to practice 3-5 hours a day? That sounds like a good plan! Definitely enough for everyone. It's driving me nuts that I can't efficiently plan my day because the most important thing is so hit and miss. I spend so much time either waiting or trying to figure out exactly what I can do instead of wait. It's frustrating.

I don't have anything extremely exciting to say today. I usually eat with this guy named Andrew who I met in CRU (which is this campus ministry I'm involved in). He apparently thinks that I'm the most critical person he knows. There might be some truth in that...I just hate it when people keep their opinions so much to themselves that you don't even know what they think about a given thing! In short, I hate it when people beat around the bush. So much. And so I don't. I am definitely not the only one who thinks those things, but I'm just the one who voices them and I hate it when people tease me for being like that. Hypocrites.

Things that I've discovered since I started college:
1) Earplugs. They are fantastical and magical and good. Until you don't wake up because you can't hear your alarm.
2) Walks. I've liked walks for a long time, but I love them way more now because there's so many places to walk.
3) Freetime. I have bad time management and I have waaaay too much of this awesome thing.
4) Girls are disgusting. How is our bathroom dirty like that? I just...clean your crap out of the sink.
5) My shell. It was pretty much gone by the time high school ended but it has come back. I'm bad at making friends.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Hope you can follow my mad ramblings....

Well my day started out like a monday. I had to wake to early, my stomach wasn't feeling that great and as I was getting ready I realized I had not done the quiz that was due in class THIS MORNING. So I'm slamming down breakfast, trying to do this quiz as i realize I don't know any of the material. Plus Gus cut his tongue pretty bad yesterday and he had this weird discharge from his eye so I'm obsessing over him. to top off my LOVELY morning I have to drive to school amongst (spell check doesn't like the word amongst... but I am sure it's a word....) people who have never driven a day in their lives. So CONGRATULATIONS MONDAY I USED TO LIKE YOU BUT NOT ANYMORE.
 Anyway...........I am trying to think of interesting things to and my brain is like the opposite of a sponge. What is the opposite of a sponge......? that new product that is totally water repellent!! get me some of that for my birthday!
Gosh dang it i know there was something i was gonna to say... Oh i know. I'm planning to go to the pole dancing place tomorrow to get some info about classes and pricing. And to break the news to them that i am absolutely out of shape but I'm GREAT at dancing ;) and please is there a class for me? Also i am debating getting a cartilage piercing. I'll keep you posted.

That space was me sitting here blankly staring at the screen idling hoping that no one will walk in the door because i'm naked from the waste up. also i am going to tell deborah i REFUSE to pick up her wimpy brat in the office and if she wants me to pick him up from school i will see him in the courtyard thank you very much. We'll see if i actually have the guts when she calls me thursday morning like she always does.
Well wasn't this a lovely negative post!! Let me write 5 joyous things-
1. lovin the rain. please keep up!!! and the thunder and lightning. just love storms in general.
2. the sing walking in memphis which i am currently listening to.
3. CSI:miami which i was just watching.
4. cheesecake. duh.
5. Jesus. more duh.
ok well i know you're both doing great. love ya.
also i heard a story today about a guy who misused an oxygen tan and melted his wedding ring down his finger and burned his bone. all i'm wondering if he had a solid gold scar.
I think we should try to break into ft. knox.
I think i need to sleep.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

This is rather long...

I was going to do a boring list of things you may or may not know about me but then I figured you guys know almost everything about me anyway and then I accidentally deleted it and didn't remember what half of them were anyway. Soooooo ya. Some interesting stuf has been happening so I have something cool to talk about (Yay!!). Excited for school to start Monday but not to start Math. I have a creative mind meant for writing. I can sit and write for hours and I love reading. I do not have a math brain. It just doesn't make sense to me! Fortunately for my sanity I got a DVD program so there is a teacher explaining everything so hopefully (fingers crossed) I will be able to graduate with all my math credits! Homeschooling is really nice though especially for work! I can work during the day while other people are at school. Work has taught me not to give up when life gets hard. For instance one day I was late to work and I felt so awful and was having the worst day and I thought my boss would hate me forever and then almost the next day I was having the best day at my boss was awesome and talkative and it was great! When something bad happens it's not the end of the world. Also, lately I have been missing my dad. A lot it's weird that he used to be home every night and suddenly he's never home. I usually really miss him on weekends when he doesn't come home because weekends are usually family time. But I am getting lots of fun time with my mom! Like the other day we went to the movies to see The Butler. It was fun! It wasn't the best movie ever because when they say inspired by a true story, inspired means we took this story and added a ton o stuff and changed a ton of stuff. But it was good grown up girl bonding time. I think you guys know that I take riding lessons every Friday and I love it! I am havin to get used to living with constantly sore thighs but soon I will have abs and thighs of ROCK!! My teacher says I'll learn to go over jumps in 6 months to a year and that got me thinking. I want to be in the Olympics someday for show jumping. Maybe it's a little ambitious but I really want to do something awesome in my life. Anywho, I am excited for fall. I love love fall except for Halloween decorations. Annoying to me. And usually gross. I loveThanksgiving!! And Christmas!! Heck I love all holidays. One last thing before i wrap this up. I was sitting my desk inmy room (I got a new  desk for school!) using my laptop and I suddenly hear this scratching and something falling and I look over and Lady is falling down the front of my bed. It was hilarious! I think she was trying to sleep on a pile of pillows at be front of my bed and my bed wasn't against the wall all the way and she fell. Poor little puppy! Well I guess that's all for now. Sorry this is rather long but you guys can deal with it. TTFN! Ta Ta For Now!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

My weekend. Yes, I know I'm whining.

Sometimes, God just hates my plans. I make plans and I think to myself, "This is perfect! I'll get everything done and have a great time!" And God thinks to himself, "HA! MY plans are so much better for you than your own plans!" That being said, I'm not going to write about some life changing event like where I'm going to college or what I'm majoring in. No, God has a plan for every single day of my life. It's ridiculous.

I started off the weekend heading home Friday night on my way to middle school youth group. Or so I thought. I was also going to practice when I got home (my mom loves to hear me practice). I ended up not practicing and not going to youth group. I spent time with Chloe catching up and stuff because that's pretty important: maintaining relationships. Then I drove down to the church and guess what? No middle school youth group! I don't even know how that got past me, the whole '2nd and 4th weeks every month'...but it did. So I went to Grace's instead and spent the night. Which was great because I realized how much I missed laughing all the time with my friends. *LOOK AWAY!!!!* I mean, some people are nice and/or funny, but not in the same way or the same magnitude...

Saturday was great! I went to Isaac's game (they lost horribly) and then I hung out with Seth. I actually don't think he realizes how much I just like walks...which translates into: I always have a good time with him. Weird. I also found out something hilarious but it's strictly confidential and shouldn't be posted on the internet so you should ask me about it. It was a good time. Then he dropped me off at the bus stop.

At this point, I'd like to take a second and say that my weekend hasn't been that bad yet. Even though I came down on the wrong weekend, it was still awesome. I got to hang out with some people who I love to be around. Not a waste.

So naturally, my Saturday turned into the annoyance of my week. I caught the wrong bus. The Bolt (the bus from Longmont to Boulder Transit Center) comes once every HOUR. I don't actually know what bus I boarded but it did not go towards Boulder. In fact, it took me down 287 and the next stop was at 287 and Pike Road. But I was worried about missing the bus and so I boarded it which was the worst decision that I could have made. And then I had to walk down Pike Road to the next bus stop at the Twin Peaks Mall. Luckily, my mom came to my rescue and took me to the stop.

When I got to Boulder, I got a connecting bus but then got off too soon from that I walked the rest of the way to campus. A looooong walk. I walked all day Seth then by myself and then after dinner I went on ANOTHER walk. So I think I got my exercise for today, yeah?

God likes to do that. Change your plans so you can meditate on him while walking from bus stop to dorm or while waiting at the stop. And it's better for you but it still is frustrating. You know what I'm talking about.

On another note, I have been writing music. When I become a badass at it, I'll play it for you. Maybe. Don't wait up for it though because I can honestly say that I'm pretty shy about my music composing (lack of) capabilities.


P.S. Ok maybe the thing I learned wasn't HILARIOUS...maybe it was just really funny. I thought it was.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Forgot to put a title the first time

Sweet. My first blog ever. Just an fyi- it drives me nuts to have to use the caps lock to properly capatilize words, so just ignore the improper lack of capitalization. Let's see, what do I want to say.....
Top 5 things in my life right now are:

  •       packing to move November 7.Yes of course you guys are invited to the housewarming party and yes you must bring a present. Preferably food. 
  •       school. my class is way harder than i thought but i like it so that makes it easier. and the people are nice (BOUNTY HUNTER) and so is the teacher so yay. but the homework load is big and even after i read the chapter and take a crap ton of notes i sometimes feel like i didn't do anything so that's not the greatest.....but at least i got a 95 on the first test!!! hopefully that will be enough to stop the CONSTANT NAGGING FROM MY LOVELY FATHER. my next test is wednesday and prayers are of course welcomed. 
  •       my period was 2 weeks late and i thought: 1. i was pregnant 2. i was the next mary 3. i was turning into a man. good news- none of these are true. phew.
  •        i quit at cfa and it was sad cause when i went in to give my 2 week notice everyone was like 'grace is back yayyay' and i was like .........not. but it is going to be way easier to not think about it and have more time for homework. 
  • I MADE A FREAKIN CHEESECAKE THAT HAS NO DAIRY OR GLUTEN AND IT IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER PUT IN MY MOUTH HOLY COW  and i have been forced to hide it because my family lusts after it. but i am greedy and keep it for myself. not even sorry.
Also i have been thinking about life and how quickly time passes so I am trying to enjoy every moment. I was thinking about when I move out and how much I'll miss gus and so I'm trying to enjoy every day with him. And how we move out of this great house we've lived in for 12 years and i never appreciated it till now. So maybe take a minute to look out your window and enjoy THIS MOMENT because before you know it you will be married and fat with little kids running around with a husband who wants you to make him a pot roast every night and it will be great but a little part of you will want this time back. Close your eyes and be thankful and relish this time. If you would like a song to illustrate my point, look up Don't Blink by Kenny Chesney. yes it's a country song. LISTEN TO IT ANYWAY. LOVE IT.
    We-ell  I think that's wait:


That's it. I love you both i think i am seeing both of you tomorrow. Now I have to go get Michael at school ....don't even get me started in deborah KCNBS;GF7HD(*&^%FFHB98(&$%^  because i will never stop.........ok so have a great thursday. the weekend is in sight.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I have no idea what I'm doing

Gee thanks Abby for doing a ridiculously good first blog. My blog writing skills are lacking. I write poems and stories. Oh well, here goes! I just turned 17 yesterday! Not feeling too much older. I start school (senior year!!!!) a week from today. I am enjoying these last few precious days of freedom by watching large amounts of Star Wars! I will miss summer but I like school. I am taking a short story writing class and I have never been more excited for a class! I'm also taking an American history class, study strategies class, theatre, P.E., and Art. Fun stuff!
I have decided that my new life goal is to be in the Olympics as an Equestrian show jumper (in English a person who rides a horse over jumps and is really good at it). My other goal is to get a book published! I would also like to be able to do a hand stand.
Something exciting! I get my license one month from today, (if I pass the road test that is.) I am rather excited for that! Well there is my boring teenage life! Hope you didn't get too bored :D

College and Camp

Being in college is a lot like being at camp the first week. People don't actually understand what the heck they are doing yet. They think that it's all fun and games! The world is their oyster. Which it is but not in the way that most college freshmen think it is. The world isn't there to entertain you. Of course there are those few that are there solely to...learn. Weird right? They aren't actually paying thousands of dollars for a party. They still like to have fun, but they have yet to get slobbering drunk. I'm among these people that didn't go out the first Monday night to the Hill to party. The first week is also like camp because people don't know anyone so they are willing to make friends for stupid reasons. I mean, I had a conversation about my hair. MY HAIR. I would much rather sit alone at dinner than go through that again. No, I don't straighten my hair or dye it and yes I guess you can hate me for that. The second week of college rolls around and people are finally tired. Not enough to stop going out and getting drunk all the time, but they finally stop squealing in the streets at 1 am. The second week rolls around and they realize that they took too many credits. That 8 am really sucks because they were out partying till 1, 2 or 3 in the morning.

But I always loved camp. It's exciting to be away from home. It's nice to be able to decide when you will be playing the piano (provided the practice rooms are open). And I love learning new things. The idea of doing music all day every day - except that 1 hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I have english class - is just amazing to me and I love it. I feel like a little kid on Christmas. The lights are on the tree and you're so excited to see exactly what you get. But you have to wait for everyone to wake up. And then you have to wait for your turn to open your awesome presents (at least in my family you do). I guess the next four years will be a lot like those hours before people wake up: exciting and worth the wait to see what will happen next.
