Monday, November 11, 2013

It's Long

 So this is stuff from the past few weeks and may not be currently relevant. Hey, it's not my fault you guys took forever to blog! I will start at non-current and go to current :)

So I was writing a story on ancient roman  history for my short story writing class and I was having HORRIBLE writer's block. It's strange. If I'm not in the right mood to write, and I try to write, it all comes out as boring unreadable crap. So I was I a writing mood for the first 3 weeks of school while we weren't allowed to write yet an then as soon a we are supposed to write my mind goes blank. It's due tomorrow and thankfully this was a good week and I got it all done, and it is actually pretty good!

I am still DYING to see Prisoners.

I have become hooked on The Vampire Diaries. Don't judge it by the name. It's like Twilight except they got people who could actually act and this one actually had an interesting story line. Oh yes. Did I mention the endless amount of hot vampires?

Back in June I think it was, Gracie and I met Jessica Alba and I recently had been thinking about that and so I had this dream that I was in LA and I was lost or something and Jessica Alba came along and picked me up in her limo and we became best friends. It was awesome! Then I woke up :(

I have been feeling extra quiet and shy lately. Oh both know I am shy but I have just felt more shy. And awkward. Even with people I know, like people at work and youth group. I guess I was just going through some weird phase or some crap.

I am pretty sure I told you the story about my bird escaping and hen coming back! If my find it on Facebook cuz I don't feel like typing it all out right now.

From here on everything is within the past two days current. 

So I got this book from the library on Friday and I freaking love it It's called the Last Disciple and it's by "the bible answer man" and it is about Ancient Rome which is my favorite time period and oh my gosh I love it.

Also.... Hold on I need to compose myself. I watched Olympus has Fallen and... Hang on....I FREAKING LOVE THE FREAKING MOVIE!!!!!! IT'S SO FREAKING GOOD!!!! OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT!! I WATCHED IT TWICE!!!! Well one and a half times. It's so good!!! Watch it!!!!!!

Okay that's it for me for now. Abby I miss you. I have not seen you in forever! I lost your ring....but the I FOUND IT!!! :)
I was going to post my Christmas list but it's late and I want to read before I go to sleep so I'll post it tomorrow :)
Love ya guys!!

P.S. If you have not watched it yet, watch the old Spock, new Spock car commercial. Hilarious!!!
The pulley. THE PULLEY!! NOW!!!

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