Tuesday, November 26, 2013

10 years Later

I apologize for not blogging for so freaking long. BUT I have been very busy. Yeah, I know. No excuse but that's mine. These past two weeks have been filled with tests and papers and so much practicing. I am officially a terrible student towards Dr. Spillman (the guy who is filling in for Dr. Korevaar). I know that this also has no excuse, but I really have no desire to practice for him and impress him. 
I am writing this on my way to Arkansas. It is currently 8:15 in the evening and we have been on the road since 7 am. Needless to say, this trip is insane. Just imagine Joel and Isaac and Chloe in the backseat, tired. Yeah. It's a little bit crazy. But honestly, I don't even really mind because I love them all (for the most part. You know how that is).  We were playing this game where you say your name then a sibling's name, then where you live, then what you sell started with a certain letter (ex: My name is Abby. My brother's name is Allen. We live in Alabama. We sell Art. and so on) and Joel had F and suddenly he goes "Hi. My name is Francis. My sister's name is Fraberta. And then we all just lost it. It was very funny and very fun and we had a good time. 
I know that you both probably hate me because I like Seth and because we are dating. But I don't know what to do. What am I supposed to say? "I never want to spend time with him because he isn't someone I enjoy being around and he doesn't help me to think about important, difficult things." I don't know. Plus I feel like if you really hate it, then you should just tell me so that I will break up with him and be your friends instead of yours and his too. Am I just supposed to not want to spend any time with him when I come home? I won't even tell you guys anything about him because I know you guys don't actually want to hear it.
Anyway. So my friend Mikah is going to college in Australia. I am totally going to go visit her out there when she does because it would be so awesome! I have always wanted to go to Australia! 
I have also decided that now that I'm in college, I can literally do anything that i want to. If I want to go to Australia, then I can save up money and go. If I want to buy myself a pair of shoes then I can. And if I want to take a literature class, then I can just take it. I can't wait until you both have moved out and can experience that for yourselves!

Here's my Christmas list:
-Pair of heeled boots size 9 like the ones that I saw at Charming Charlie's or Payless
-Gift Card to Charming Charlie's
-Money towards a nice keyboard I can hook up to my computer
-Headphones that cover your ear all the way. NOT earbuds
I'm sure I'll think of more things but these are pretty important.


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