Sunday, October 13, 2013


So I probably shouldn't write this with my roommate literally sitting 5 feet away from me. However, this annoys me. She is writing an essay about morals and she is trying to explain how having sex is not morally wrong BUT WITHOUT USING RELIGION. How are there morals without religion? There are not. I still like her but people who live in sin have such a twisted view of the world. Ok. Technically, I still "live in sin" but I have repented and I sometimes sin because I'm still in the world. But she has rejected Jesus (she went to High School Youth Group some and said she heard the Gospel) and that I did not do. So anyway. I would love prayer for my roommate because I actually think that God is going to lead me to talk to her about it. Also, I need prayer for me so that I will ACTUALLY talk to her about it. Also, I probably sound all elitest and "holier than thou" so pray for me for that too ;)

Anyways, my week has been good. Rachel won't have her baby and I want her to sooooo badly!!!! SO BADLY.
Also, last weekend I met Seth's "ex-love-interest" (they never dated but they wanted to) and it was so awkward. Never have I met someone who had so much hate towards me right off the bat. I mean, right off the bat. I don't think I told B about this but it was intense. Plus she is a rather large person (not fat just really tall and bigger than me) so I was scared of her.
But enough about THAT! I know that what you really want to hear about it Seth. I know, I wanna hear  about him too, and talk about him. ;)
haha I wouldn't do that to you. But he is hot and you know it.
Grace and I are going to donate plasma for the spring break fund. We have to do it.
Also, if my professor forgets about another one of my lessons, I WILL strangle him.
That's about it for now. I'm sure I'll think of something that I really should have written in here but now I'm at the end and I have a stupid test tomorrow and I haven't even LISTENED to the music. Crap.


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