Saturday, November 30, 2013

33 Facts About Me and Other Tidbits

If you know more than 21.7 of these facts, you get a prize. :)

1. My mother had three brothers just like me, but one of them was her twin. I've always secretly wished for a twin. 
2. If I could pick one state to live in, it would probably be North Carolina. Because it has mountains and beaches, two of my favorite things in the world. But Alaska and Colorado are close seconds. 
3. Biggest fears? Spiders, losing a member of my family, and marrying a serial killer by accident. 
4. My favorite number is 13, my favorite letter is X and my favorite color is turquoise. 
5. I am very possessive of my things. I like to have all my stuff together and I am really bad about sharing my food. 
6. I can't juggle or change a tire, both things I wish I could do. 
7. I was born with 6 toes on my left foot. I had surgery to take it off when I was 3. You can barely see the scar. 
8. I think video games are really stupid. But I love Age of Empires, which is a computer game. 
9. Just because I don't agree with gay marriage doesn't mean I hate gay people. It's possible to love people who do things you believe are wrong and the world doesn't understand that. 
10. If I could own any pet, it would probably be a leopard. Or a dragon. 
11. My favorite part in any movie is when a bunch of stuff is happening with music in the background. Like in Ratatouille when he's learning to cook. 
12. I would love to backpack the world but I can't. Cause I'm poor. 
13. My biggest weaknesses? Whipped cream, puppies, jackets and Rice Krispie Treats. 
14. I would marry Legolas in a heartbeat. 
15. I have a high pain tolerance but I like people to feel sorry for me when I'm injured. Even though the worst injury I've ever had was my broken nose. And I'm still not sure it was actually broken. 
16. Things I've always wanted are a lava lamp and those super strong magnets you get in a little bag. I finally bought the magnets at the Grand Canyon on my road trip. 
17. Dream jobs are a bartender, a stunt woman and a search and rescue worker. 
18. Number 7 is a total lie. 
19. Pet peeves are pens that don't work, locked doors, and stupid people. 
20. I have 20/25 vision. 
21. Caffeine doesn't affect me. 
22. I am really good at justifying things and I don't have a very strong conscience. It's kind of bad...
23. I am a very fast reader and a good speller, two things I'm proud of. 
24. I love the words creamy, flaky, and fresh.
25. My least favorite feature about myself is my nose. My favorite is my waist/chest.
26. I REALLY wish I could play the guitar. 
27. I can be very nostalgic and I love family traditions.  
28. If I could go anywhere in the world, it would be the moon. Or New Zealand. 
29. I hate it when people underestimate me or don't take me seriously. I HATE IT.
30. Things I would like to do when I move out: get a tattoo, take a pole dancing class, and take a road trip. I could say wear a bikini, but I probably won't.
31. I know I am the person I am because of how my parents raised me, and I'm scared to death I won't be able to raise my kids the same way. 
32. I love the stars.
33. When I was little, I always wanted a best friend. And now I have two amazing ones!!!
Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me, although you probably already knew most of them. Your prize is the warm fuzzy feeling you get from knowing so much about me!!! I'm gonna miss you a lot, Brianna. Have a great trip!! 

Here's my Christmas list: 
•A Buff. One of those head things you can wear 12 different ways. I would like a greenish one but not one with a weird pattern...
•A hardback copy of Inheritance. 
•Gift cards to REI, Target, Kohl's or Starbucks. 
•I'm trying decide if I want Casino Royale...
•A pair of those shoes that Abby bought at Payless. The clog-like ones with fur. I like the brown ones. In size 9. 

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