Saturday, September 28, 2013

Short. But not as short as Brianna's.

As i write this i have pumpkin pie and whipped cream in my stomach and Casino Royale in my cd drive so i'm feeling pretty good. It's been awhile since i've blogged because *cough Brianna cough* just kidding it's fine. :)
So let's see....we've been doing scenarios in my class which are really fun but i do have a test monday and it's not going to be pretty....i got an 87% on the last one and a 95% on the first so if i don't blow it too badly i should be fine.
in other news we are packing up our house like crazy. crazy because of all the crap we have. we will be selling that crap at a garage sale on oct. 12. tell your friends. there will be a lot of crap for sale. i will make a lot of money.
if you want to laugh watch between two ferns with zach galifianakis. it is so funny. THE CHAIR ALWAYS BREAKS.
anyhoo this is very short but like i said i have casino royale ready to go. thank you and goodnight.

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