Thursday, September 5, 2013

Forgot to put a title the first time

Sweet. My first blog ever. Just an fyi- it drives me nuts to have to use the caps lock to properly capatilize words, so just ignore the improper lack of capitalization. Let's see, what do I want to say.....
Top 5 things in my life right now are:

  •       packing to move November 7.Yes of course you guys are invited to the housewarming party and yes you must bring a present. Preferably food. 
  •       school. my class is way harder than i thought but i like it so that makes it easier. and the people are nice (BOUNTY HUNTER) and so is the teacher so yay. but the homework load is big and even after i read the chapter and take a crap ton of notes i sometimes feel like i didn't do anything so that's not the greatest.....but at least i got a 95 on the first test!!! hopefully that will be enough to stop the CONSTANT NAGGING FROM MY LOVELY FATHER. my next test is wednesday and prayers are of course welcomed. 
  •       my period was 2 weeks late and i thought: 1. i was pregnant 2. i was the next mary 3. i was turning into a man. good news- none of these are true. phew.
  •        i quit at cfa and it was sad cause when i went in to give my 2 week notice everyone was like 'grace is back yayyay' and i was like .........not. but it is going to be way easier to not think about it and have more time for homework. 
  • I MADE A FREAKIN CHEESECAKE THAT HAS NO DAIRY OR GLUTEN AND IT IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER PUT IN MY MOUTH HOLY COW  and i have been forced to hide it because my family lusts after it. but i am greedy and keep it for myself. not even sorry.
Also i have been thinking about life and how quickly time passes so I am trying to enjoy every moment. I was thinking about when I move out and how much I'll miss gus and so I'm trying to enjoy every day with him. And how we move out of this great house we've lived in for 12 years and i never appreciated it till now. So maybe take a minute to look out your window and enjoy THIS MOMENT because before you know it you will be married and fat with little kids running around with a husband who wants you to make him a pot roast every night and it will be great but a little part of you will want this time back. Close your eyes and be thankful and relish this time. If you would like a song to illustrate my point, look up Don't Blink by Kenny Chesney. yes it's a country song. LISTEN TO IT ANYWAY. LOVE IT.
    We-ell  I think that's wait:


That's it. I love you both i think i am seeing both of you tomorrow. Now I have to go get Michael at school ....don't even get me started in deborah KCNBS;GF7HD(*&^%FFHB98(&$%^  because i will never stop.........ok so have a great thursday. the weekend is in sight.


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