Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Patience is a Virtue

Yay my iPod is finally letting me blog! Well right now I am physically and mentally exhausted. Physically because I just got off work, mentally because I texted something this morning asking if they could take me to youth group and I thought that would be plenty of time for them to respond. They still haven't texted me back. So then I was basically stranded at work and I hate when I don't have stuff planned. Like I need to know what's going on and how is driving me and how I'm getting where. I am seriously about to cry right now because I am so stressed about not knowing how I am getting to youth group. But then my my incredibly amazing friend is coming to pick me up. But I am still stressed. (I am writing this later. It turned out that this person didn't text me back because their phone was water logged and in a bag of rice. All is good now :D)
Anyway. I'm sorry I haven't blogged. Actually I did but Grace didn't like it. But anyway my computer is being a pain the butt.
I was watching the movie Warrior last night and I realized that I love it. I'm not really in to boxing and mixed martial arts, like I don't like watching it on tv or anything but I love watching movies about it. Plus, Warrior has the best movie ending I have ever seen. I love it. So. Much.
Anywho, road trip. So the first thing is I really want to do it. But it's not my decision if I go or not I have to ask my parents. So don't be disappointed with me if it turns out I can't go :) Also I refuse to go unless you promise me ONE day at Disneyland. I will REFUSE!!!!
Well that's about it for now. I really want to work on my story so bye :)

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