Friday, September 27, 2013

What Does the Fox Say?

I was introduced to the YouTube video "What Does the Fox Say" a few weeks ago. It's actually hilarious to me. I think that you would both think it's very funny, or that I'm just strange. Probably a little of both. BUT. I was in my community bathroom yesterday night (A.K.A. Thirsty Thursday. That's another thing I could go into, but Thirsty Thursday is just basically one huge face palm to me. Literally). These two girls came in the bathroom after me - I don't know, maybe they had to poop? probably not. - and they were like "WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY! OMG! TAKE A VIDEO! TAKE A PICTURE OF ME!!" and I walked out the stall just wanting to wash my hands and they freaked out and both ran into separate stalls. Like, they screamed and FREAKED OUT. And so I'm like, "What DOES the fox say?" And I look in the mirror and one of the girls is video taping the other girl, over the stall wall. And I'm thinking to myself "if they were embarrassed, they are really not helping that now..." and so I just start washing my face. And then the come out and they're like "do you know what the fox says?" and then they just start going "Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!" over and over and run out of the bathroom with a ton of those paper towels. And I'm finishing up washing my face and stuff and this guy comes in to the girls' bathroom (there's no guys' bathroom since our half of the floor is only girls), he sees me, gets this look like "holy crap I'm screwed! This girl is going to think I am gonna kill her", turns around and fumbles for the door handle. I'm like "dude. You're fine. Just go to the bathroom" and he sheepishly walks to a stall and says "don't worry, I won't rape you." And we go our separate ways. I'm walking back to my room (it's probably like 20 feet MAYBE) and those same girls are just wearing the paper towels as bras and miniskirts.

And one time, I was walking down the hallway from the bathroom and this girl goes "man, my sex life is really getting in the way of school." And this other girl screams "f***ing isn't getting in the way of school! School is getting in the way of my F***ING!!!"

What? College.

Also, here's the link to "what does the fox say".

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