Tuesday, September 3, 2013

College and Camp

Being in college is a lot like being at camp the first week. People don't actually understand what the heck they are doing yet. They think that it's all fun and games! The world is their oyster. Which it is but not in the way that most college freshmen think it is. The world isn't there to entertain you. Of course there are those few that are there solely to...learn. Weird right? They aren't actually paying thousands of dollars for a party. They still like to have fun, but they have yet to get slobbering drunk. I'm among these people that didn't go out the first Monday night to the Hill to party. The first week is also like camp because people don't know anyone so they are willing to make friends for stupid reasons. I mean, I had a conversation about my hair. MY HAIR. I would much rather sit alone at dinner than go through that again. No, I don't straighten my hair or dye it and yes I guess you can hate me for that. The second week of college rolls around and people are finally tired. Not enough to stop going out and getting drunk all the time, but they finally stop squealing in the streets at 1 am. The second week rolls around and they realize that they took too many credits. That 8 am really sucks because they were out partying till 1, 2 or 3 in the morning.

But I always loved camp. It's exciting to be away from home. It's nice to be able to decide when you will be playing the piano (provided the practice rooms are open). And I love learning new things. The idea of doing music all day every day - except that 1 hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I have english class - is just amazing to me and I love it. I feel like a little kid on Christmas. The lights are on the tree and you're so excited to see exactly what you get. But you have to wait for everyone to wake up. And then you have to wait for your turn to open your awesome presents (at least in my family you do). I guess the next four years will be a lot like those hours before people wake up: exciting and worth the wait to see what will happen next.


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