Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Femur Bone!!

So you know when you suddenly have an epiphany about yourself? Like when I realized I loved whipped cream or when i discovered that i can be bossy. ;) I was playing ball with my perfect angel dog (who is better than Lady) in the backyard and i realized that i love making lists. I love pouring my mind out onto a list and then not have to remember what i need to do. i need to work on completing the list though....
anyhoo. let's see what insights i can give you today.
never move if you can possibly avoid it. do whatever you have to do, sell your body, live in a tent, but do not attempt to move. it will make your hair fall out and you will want to kill yourself. that being said, i cannot wait to be done with this whole process. ugh.

the garage sale went all right. I made about $215. i would have made more, we had plenty of stuff, but it wasn't necessarily good stuff. but two hundred dollars is nothing to sneeze at i suppose. i'm going to use the money to buy christmas presents for my family. i have probably told you guys that already...oh well.

also here's my two cents on spring break. everybody i've told that i'm going to denver has looked at me kind of funny, like 'you're going to spring break in....denver? 20 minutes away?' i don't even care. yeah i would rather go on a road trip or fly to hawaii but do i have the money for that? no. so hush up. also the four seasons is very expensive but i think it's going to be totally worth it. it either of you have misgivings about our current plan , please say something!! :D i've been trying to find hotels for $100 -$115 but they are few and far between. they are either not that nice or far away from denver. so if you guys want to do your own search or we can drive a bit farther or pay a bit more. let's talk again about it. :) we also need to try and think of ways to make money...even like $200 would pay for the fours season pretty much...maybe ask for cash for christmas ;)

also this is so so so awful. i was driving down hover the other day and i see this dog jump out of the back of this convertible ON HOVER AS THE LADY WAS DRIVING LIKE 45 MPH and he was being half dragged by his leash and he's half running and everyone around her is honking like crazy and she's just driving la te da and finally finally she stops and i pulled up next to her and asked if he was okay and she was like 'oh yeah!" and i drove away feeling like i wanted to report her to animal control. some people shouldn't own animals.

also guess what? we are flying chris down here for my mom's birthday. she is going to be so surprised but it's the weekend right before we move so i'm kind of hoping she can just enjoy him and not be freaking out about packing.

ok i think that's it for me. if you are confused about my title abby did a random word for her title so i am just continuing the trend. ;) have a great week!!

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