Sunday, November 3, 2013

I'm So Tired...sorry

yes yes i know it's been a while. but as long as we keep blogging it doesn't matter as much when we do it. also i am tired and so this is going to be a little random.

i feel like there are a lot of things i could write. let's see.....
 moving of course. we move wed thurs fri of this week and hopefully we'll be all done by saturday. my mom is thinking that after we get all our stuff moved over there we'll all go back over to this house and do a bunch of cleaning. every body else is like 'no. once we move out we're done.' plus we've practically bent over backwards for the vogels this whole move. we gave them a great deal on the house and yet we're the ones who have to have the deck blocked off for 3 weeks and them coming over to our house at 9 o'clock at night. anyway. this will soon be over.
chris came for the weekend which was nice but when he and justin are together with the family it's sort of all about them. which is fine. but it would be nice to be noticed once in a while. lydia is great though. she and i get along really well. i hope i get along well with lauren, chris's gf. she's coming for 10 days over christmas break. we'll see how that goes.
not much else is going on. i'm doing school obviously. i have a test on monday, which is actually goos cause it means the homework load will be light for the rest of the week. i'm wishing deborah will grow a pair and tell michael what's up. i'll keep you posted about that. i know i told you both about how i have way too much time on my hands. i'm thinking about taking a few classes next semester. maybe jewelry, photography, massage, guitar. somethin like that. i would also like to join some sort of a sports team. but i have no idea where or how to do that.
also if you guys want to go to operation christmas child, i'm trying to organize a group to go. let me know what times would work best and if you know anybody who would want to go.
also what about catching fire? abby would you want to go see a late showing of it on the 22nd of november.
that's all i got. have a good week.

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