Sunday, September 8, 2013

This is rather long...

I was going to do a boring list of things you may or may not know about me but then I figured you guys know almost everything about me anyway and then I accidentally deleted it and didn't remember what half of them were anyway. Soooooo ya. Some interesting stuf has been happening so I have something cool to talk about (Yay!!). Excited for school to start Monday but not to start Math. I have a creative mind meant for writing. I can sit and write for hours and I love reading. I do not have a math brain. It just doesn't make sense to me! Fortunately for my sanity I got a DVD program so there is a teacher explaining everything so hopefully (fingers crossed) I will be able to graduate with all my math credits! Homeschooling is really nice though especially for work! I can work during the day while other people are at school. Work has taught me not to give up when life gets hard. For instance one day I was late to work and I felt so awful and was having the worst day and I thought my boss would hate me forever and then almost the next day I was having the best day at my boss was awesome and talkative and it was great! When something bad happens it's not the end of the world. Also, lately I have been missing my dad. A lot it's weird that he used to be home every night and suddenly he's never home. I usually really miss him on weekends when he doesn't come home because weekends are usually family time. But I am getting lots of fun time with my mom! Like the other day we went to the movies to see The Butler. It was fun! It wasn't the best movie ever because when they say inspired by a true story, inspired means we took this story and added a ton o stuff and changed a ton of stuff. But it was good grown up girl bonding time. I think you guys know that I take riding lessons every Friday and I love it! I am havin to get used to living with constantly sore thighs but soon I will have abs and thighs of ROCK!! My teacher says I'll learn to go over jumps in 6 months to a year and that got me thinking. I want to be in the Olympics someday for show jumping. Maybe it's a little ambitious but I really want to do something awesome in my life. Anywho, I am excited for fall. I love love fall except for Halloween decorations. Annoying to me. And usually gross. I loveThanksgiving!! And Christmas!! Heck I love all holidays. One last thing before i wrap this up. I was sitting my desk inmy room (I got a new  desk for school!) using my laptop and I suddenly hear this scratching and something falling and I look over and Lady is falling down the front of my bed. It was hilarious! I think she was trying to sleep on a pile of pillows at be front of my bed and my bed wasn't against the wall all the way and she fell. Poor little puppy! Well I guess that's all for now. Sorry this is rather long but you guys can deal with it. TTFN! Ta Ta For Now!

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