Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I have no idea what I'm doing

Gee thanks Abby for doing a ridiculously good first blog. My blog writing skills are lacking. I write poems and stories. Oh well, here goes! I just turned 17 yesterday! Not feeling too much older. I start school (senior year!!!!) a week from today. I am enjoying these last few precious days of freedom by watching large amounts of Star Wars! I will miss summer but I like school. I am taking a short story writing class and I have never been more excited for a class! I'm also taking an American history class, study strategies class, theatre, P.E., and Art. Fun stuff!
I have decided that my new life goal is to be in the Olympics as an Equestrian show jumper (in English a person who rides a horse over jumps and is really good at it). My other goal is to get a book published! I would also like to be able to do a hand stand.
Something exciting! I get my license one month from today, (if I pass the road test that is.) I am rather excited for that! Well there is my boring teenage life! Hope you didn't get too bored :D

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