Monday, December 1, 2014


You know, I should have blogged like 3 months ago but...I decided to be a lametard and not do that. So here I am blogging FINALLY.

I have been sooooo excited to live at this apartment with Grace. I am pretty sure we are the best roommates in the history of the world, but I'm a little biased. I'm glad that we get to live here because I never have to wear pants or other articles of clothing except for when Andrew comes over. So 6/7 nights a week, I'm pants less. :) I'm not sure Grace enjoys it quite as much because I think I annoy the poop out of her. It's just speculation at this point, but...

I am seriously so so so SO done with this freaking semester! I am so tired of the same classes and teachers for months. I just want to be done. I only have 2 more weeks until I am going to be done with this semester. That's right! NO FINALS FOR ME (except my piano jury)! Woot woot!

I am so glad that we got to have that amazing Thanksgiving dinner with each other! So much fun!

I am going to binge watch all of Parks and Rec over break. Seriously. I am also going to be starting to watch Supernatural. Maybe. I will also get to go on dates with froman. That's right. I love it. Also, I will be working and practicing piano until my fingers bleed but we had better get to hang out all three together like old times! That used to be so fun! So we must again!

I literally have no clue what I want for Christmas. But whatever. Here's my Christmas wish list:

1) A nice pair of really warm water proof gloves
2) Long wool socks
3) Long warm sweaters or tunics or whatever you call them. Just as long as they cover my butt. That's right. I want to wear leggings so I need long shirts.
4) A calendar
5) a lovesac
6) Music books. If you want more specifics, I have a list of composers and editors. It changes from composer to composer so just ask me if you want to get me some. Or you can always get me movie scores and stuff like that
7) set of kitchen knives
8) a toaster
9) A nice winter coat
10) Tea from Teavana or the tea shop on Pearl Street. Also, one of those little strainers for tea leaves.

That's all that I can really think of right now, but those are all pretty good things. Other than those, I desire your love and friendship ;)

I'm so glad you two are my friends. I don't know what I'd do without you!


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Everything Hurts

Good evening, peeps.
Let me explain the title. We moved to the new house on Friday and we've been working like crazy all weekend. Moving boxes, carrying stuff, organizing stuff. So much stuff!! Also I had a very physically difficult horse back riding lesson on Friday, plus my period just started. Everything. Hurts. I couldn't fall asleep on Friday night because my back hurt so much. And Lady gruffed all night. She has a hard time in new places. Sorry if this is on the depressing side. This sounds like I just hate life. Plus sides. The basement of the new house is the best. We have the tv down there and it's just cozy and the best tv room ever. And this sounds weird but I'm in love with our new washing machine. Hard to explain. I just am. 
I love Karl Urban. I wanna watch Lord of the Rings with you guys. I love Karl Urban he's just awesome. Especially in Lord of the Rings because he rides a horse. Riding a horse makes a guy instantly 10 times sexier. 
If you would pray for my riding teacher that would be good because she is thinking about moving to another facility because there is a group of people moving in with their horses and they are known for bein somewhat abusive to their horses and that's just not a good atmosphere to be in. Also the owner doesn't sous like the nicest guy. :( it's sad cuz it's a super nice ranch. Maybe we won't leave maybe we will. 
I hate having money problems. I don't want to work but I want lots of money. Don't we all. Speaking of money, I got a job at Smashburger so MORE MONEY!! 
I'm super tired so this is all I'll do for now. 
Love you guys. Night

Monday, August 18, 2014

Several Lifetimes Later.....

Well. do i get some sort of prize for longest time between blogs? Sorry about that. i have all kinds of excuses (moving, 50 hour work weeks, moving, moving) but i'll spare you my sob story. I'm blogging now and that's all that matters, right?

so, moving. well let me go back to the few weeks before moving. I loved loved loved my internship but that plus watching michael what felt like all the time, plus getting ready to move was stressing me out more than i've ever been stressed. but i learned so much from working with all the EMT'S and paramedics and techs and nurses and doctors and patients. i learned that when i am asked if i want to dip a cup of pee, i will answer yes. i learned that some people who seem to actually be sick are actually full of $hit and seeking drugs. i learned that if i meet a 50+ year old male emergency medicine worker, whether that be a paramedic or a nurse, he WILL ask me if i'm sure i want to be in that line of work. i learned that guys will be guys, meaning that no matter what kind of shape they're in, they will hit on you. nasty. i learned that 90% of all male healthcare workers are unfairly hot. and i learned that i am capable of doing a lot more things than i thought.

but all that's over now, and i'm looking ahead to getting a real job so i can do all those things whilst getting paid! pray for me for my interview tomorrow, i'm really nervous. and i haven't gotten any other offers, so i really need a job. i guess i could always bar-tend....plan b. and plan c can be stripper. just kidding. sort of.

i also want to say how thankful i am to be living in our awesome apartment with my awesome roommate. our apartment is perfect, (except toilet, electricity and poor a/c ventilation.) after seeing the other apartments and locations in boulder, ours is solid gold. and it's so much more fun to go home when i don't live there. less arguing, plus my mom feels like she needs to give me food. which is totally fine.

here's a partial bucket list for this year:
mt.conundrum hot springs
pole dancing class
go to some huge boulder festival thing
have a game party (or several) at our apartment
text spencer

i know that's a pretty paltry list, but i'm working on it.

so that's about it for me. i had a fabulous time going to water world and watching modern family and trying on clothes with both of you last week. and i can't wait for friday night!! and no i will not be going as slave leia. sorry to disappoint.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

More San Diego!!!

I am sitting here in San Diego with some music blasting eating ramen, alone, for what feels like the first time in forever. You know how I like me some (a lot of) alone time!!! Just a heads up, this'll probably be a seriousish post. You have been warned!

So basically, this trip has been the best experience of my life. But at the same time, it's been so hard and so exhausting and crazy. The point this summer, is to step out in faith and leave results up to God. So, I was pretty much terrified of everything because stepping out in faith is very difficult to do. I came out here with hardly any support, I shared my faith, I shared the Gospel, I go evangelizing weekly, I shared my entire testimony to strangers (on multiple occasions), I forgave my dad, I wrote my dad a letter, I wrote Mary a letter, I started a bible study. And I'm sure I'm forgetting things but this is what I thought of off the top of my head.

Yeah I wrote my dad a letter. Let's just start there. First, I wrote him an angry letter without any intent of sending it to him. And I realized how pissed off I was at him for so long but I had never actually vocalized all of it. And I didn't realize that writing that letter would actually bring healing to me. Then I wrote a letter that I actually sent to him. Just saying how I've been mad at him but that I forgive him for everything and I don't know how it will look to have a relationship with him but I just wanted to clear the air. And he wrote me back! I thought that he would be mad and probably yell at me in his letter, but that didn't happen and we're gonna get together when I get back. It just shows how faithful God is and how he goes before us to prepare the way. It's amazing!!

I started a bible study with my friend Pablo Garcia from work. We have this weekly meeting and every single week (actually probably more like every day I saw him) I invited him to it. But he couldn't go because he is the drummer for this band and they usually play shows on the weekend. Anyway, I kept on stepping out and inviting him even though I felt uncomfortable and he finally one day asked me why I believe what I believe and he said that he is a Christian but has not really learned how to read the bible and stuff and he asked for my help!! So we have met twice! And it's totally a God thing!! It's just awesome! I have gotten to discuss a lot of hard questions with him about Christianity and what is truth and whatnot. I'm pretty much excited! Oh also, he has wonderful hair. If you're curious, look him up on FB. It's just fabulous.

I feel like God has grown me so much over the past month and a half, it's insane!!

On a different note, Andrew called me the other night and said that I have been so distracting to him and while he loves talking to me, we shouldn't talk till the end of his program this summer. I have been reevaluating out friendship anyway (some things will probably have to change...) but it was weird.

On a different different note, these two black girls I work with (Kennieshay and Quineesha) based their pants size off of mine, because I have a big butt...-_- Who am I kidding? I love it.

I am soooooo excited that you guys bought rafts and then also bought me one!!! SO GREAT! INGENIOUS IDEA LADIES!!!

Also, I am seriously sorry if I hurt either one of you guys' feelings about Water World. I'm excited to go with you guys and it's gonna be great just the 3 of us!!! And I can't wait for the apartment, but it kinda feels surreal to me right now!

I love you both! Sorry for the seriousish post!!!


Oh P.S. Romans 5:8. Yes.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Stuff and Fluff

I just recently found out that my family is moving. You both know and have seen pictures, but I'll just give you all the information I know. It is a very nice house that was built in the 70s but they just redid the kitchen and it looks fantastic. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 upstairs and 2 downstairs and 3 bathrooms. Samuel and I will be in the basement and there will be a guest room upstairs. There is a really big nice office upstairs for my dad and I think he's pretty happy about that. We are going to totally redo the back yard. My mom hates when there are rocks in the landscape so we're taking all the rock out and putting in gardens. Also we are going to design our own patio which is going to be cool! My parents are obsessed with HGTV right. I'm excited but at he same time not at all. It's gonna be a huge change because it is quite a bit smaller than our current house. It is nice though. Just the way everything has gone so smoothly so far makes us think that this is what God wants us to do. 

So The Count of Monte Cristo. I love the movie as I expressed in my last blog, and I watched it a couple times and just loved it so much so I decided to read the book! I am in love with it so far! (Keep in mind this is the abridged version). It's just so beautifully written and just a fantastic story!! 

So besides moving activities like starting to pack things up and going through my stuff and downsizing, I have had a pretty good summer so far. My mom and I are doing history together and I get to watch 300 and count it as school because we are studying Ancient Greece!! Pretty sweet.  
Alrighty that's it for now I suppose. I would appreciate prayers for calmness for moving, it stresses me out so much. 
Love you guys a lot!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Signs and Symptoms of Being an Adult

It's a disease that affects billions. Both men and women suffer from it. And the only way to not get it is to die before you are affected. What affliction am I speaking of? ADULTHOOD.

Here are the signs and symptoms of being an adult:
    SO much worry about money. All day, every day. do i have enough? how can i make more? Will i ever have enough? (the answer to that is no, btw.) So if you worry about money, congratulations you're an adult.
    Remember how as a little kid chores were from the devil? yeah when you're an adult you want to live in a clean environment. suddenly having a clean bathroom and no dishes in the sink makes you feel like you really have your life together (even thought you really don't.) sure sign of adulthood: wanting to do chores.
    This is a big one so listen up. bees are scary mother**ckers. as are wasps and all matter of flying or crawling creatures with 6 or 8 legs. but as an adult, you're the one who has to stay behind when everyone else is running screaming from the room and kill that nasty son of a gun. sucks to suck.
   Have you ever said 'because i said so' or 'don't make me come in there' ? If so, you might be an adult (or babysitting michael) especially if you have a special tone of voice that you use when saying such phrases. not even yelling, just this real dangerously quiet voice. use it once and BAM you're an adult.
   Going to bed is your favorite time of the day. or your morning cup of coffee. from the moment you get out of bed in the morning, you look forward to getting back in it.  this might just be me though...
   It's a helluva lot easier to ignore/forgive annoying little brothers and sisters. it just doesn't matter anymore if they are stupid. you're an adult and have more pressing concerns. (like money, remember) older brothers and sisters are still as annoying as ever though. funny how that works...
I'm sure that there are many many more but maybe i'm not a full-fledged adult yet. thank goodness.

quick update on me though:
I'm so busy it's crazy. I like being busy but this is a little ridiculous. i am tired all the time. I have only 2 evenings and two mornings that i don't do anything. and sundays. but those times are taken up with doing chores or errands that i don't have any other time for. july is looking just as busy cause even though class will be over, i have 90 hours of clinical shifts at Emergency Departments or ambulances. Then i have to look for and apply for jobs. gah. at least i'm making bank and getting to stick people with needles.
Speaking of needles, i'm loving my IV class. i don't know what i find so thrilling about sliding a thin hollow piece of metal into another person's vein but it's great.
well until next time. Abby, miss you and love you a lot. Brianna, i don't miss you because i see you what feels like every day to freaking run (gaaaaaah) but i do love you!

Monday, June 2, 2014

San Diego

So I am in San Diego at this moment in time. It's basically this amazing place that I am in love with by now. To the west is the ocean and to the east is the bay. Each within 2 blocks of my condo. It's beautiful is what I'm trying to say. It's also so nice here. It's cool and breezy all day long. It's just perfect to be here. I really like it.

So I shared my testimony like the first full day that we were here. With 4 other girls. Complete. Strangers. It was such an interesting experience. Technically, we haven't even shared our testimonies with each other even though we do life together all the time. I think we should.

So I went swimming in the ocean 2 days ago. It was amazing! Except this girl Anna and I were the only girls ACTUALLY swimming. All the other girls were laying out. So I was swimming with like 7 or 8 guys that were from CRU too. Back up. On the way there, I met this guy named Bryce (I think that's how you spell it) and he said that I have great hair. Well he said something like "cool hair because it's a different color" or something like that. So we were all swimming in the ocean. And he is hard core flirting with me. I'm talking splashing me with water, trying to push me into the waves, trying to trip me over himself, mocking my screams/giggles of delight at the waves. Hard core flirting. So then when I got out of the water, my friend Taylor said that he would teach me how to play the ukelele this summer. Anna and I want to ride a tandem bike with me on the back playing the ukelele. Yes. So anyway, Taylor had his ukelele so I went over there to try and learn and I'm really struggling so I'm trying to laugh it off and I can just tell he thinks I'm being all cutesy and stuff and he just continues to flirt and he tries to sit very close to me on the sand and he said "I'll sing the guy part and you can sing the girl part" in this LOVE SONG. So then he asked me what my major is and I said I'm a music major and he said he wanted to be a music major. For guitar and drum set. -_- under impressed am I. So then he asked me if I can sing and I say not really I mostly play classical music and I kid you not he goes "I have a friend who likes classical. What is wrong with you guys?" And so naturally he almost gets punched in the face. Then later that night, he found me in the crowd after the meeting and he invited me to the beach for a late night jam session on the beach. At night. With him. On the beach. In a romantic setting. I'm so under impressed. I don't know how that's gonna work out for him...

On another note, this guy at work just was staring into my eyes and he wouldn't break eye contact and then in the weirdest way possible, he goes "Are those your real eyes, because they are beautiful" and I was weirded out.

I also get to rent bikes, surf boards, paddle boards, wet suits, and anything else without a motor for FREE this summer!!! WHAT WHAT?!

Ok we seriously have to road trip out here some time when B isn't a baby anymore :)

Also, Count of Monte Cristo? Not a good movie. Read the book. The movie ruins everything.

I have to go. Make sure to write fast so that I can update more about my trip!!!

I love you two!!!


Monday, May 19, 2014

The Count of Monte Cristo!!!!!

New favorite movie!! Well not favorite because Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back will always hold the number 1 spot in my heart as best movie. Then October Sky is in 2nd. Well the Count of Monte Cristo is in Third!!! My gosh guys if you haven't seen it, watch it!! I watched the entire thing on YouTube. In fact here is the link so you have no excuse to not watch it. I'm going to read the book now! So good. Plus the main guy is cute. :)
Anyway. Sorry I have not blogged, I just haven't had the motivation to for some reason. Life is good. Trying to eat healthy, get in shape for a 5k, not sin. Ya know the usual stuff. 
So I know you don't particularly agree with what my church does but if you have time watch the sermon online from yesterday. It usually takes a week for it to be put online so next Sunday try watching it. It was very very good. They play a secular song at the beginning but watch the whole thing and you'll realize why they played it. I just think it was really helpful for me so I hope you consider watching it :)
So I was not at all excited about the camping trip but now I cannot wait!! It gonna be so great!!! I'm a at nervous because I've never gone camping without axe wielding men to protect me before, but it'll be great!!
Well I guess that's it for right now. I know my life is so exciting. Anyway I love you guys so much. Keep being awesome!
Romans 6:11

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Feelin Pretty Good and That's the Truth

I've never done something in my life that I was so proud of. I feel absurdly happy that I earned the Star of Life patch that came in the mail yesterday. I am also am feeling a little guilty because i really want people to get hurt and sick and keep doing stupid things and crashing their cars so i can save them. now i just have a crap ton of paperwork and job applications to get through. prayer that i get a job would be much appreciated.

i know i told you both about John and Billy and Shane, the paramedic and EMTs i worked with. i really wish i could just work with them the rest of my career, but i know there will be other people just as awesome as them. meanwhile i will sit in my car and cry every time i see a fire truck or ambulance or hear sirens cause i wish i could go along. ah well. my time will come.

Also, guess what? this is gonna be a huge shock, so you better sit goes....... Abby and I signed a lease!!!!!!! well not really. i just paid almost $900 and we got an address. but still. feeling like an adult. now to buy a microwave.

did i tell you that i am no longer driving a car? it is now an oven, seeing as how the a/c is broken and the windows won't go down. I was driving michael the other day and i look back and he has the silver thing that you put in your windshield to reflect that sun. he has it on top of him like a turtle shell trying to stay cool. he's so weird...but the good news is that it's at the mechanic right now. i'll be using my tax refund to pay for it. blech

i think i told you both this, but my mom is taking my rent money ($150 a month) and collecting it and she's going to give it back to me when i leave. i am very thankful for that.

also we need to go camping or at least hiking before abby leaves. at least we need to give you a send-off party! :D and celebrate me. and brianna graduating!!! so many good things happening!

 ok i think that's it. Have a fantastic week.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Welp, Obviously blogging is not my forte. Good thing I don't do this for a living.

Basically, I am very stressed out right now. I have so much stuff to get done in the next few weeks. And I want them all to be amazing. I was going to write a Listz of all the stuff, but I wrote it all down to on paper and it's too long to transfer. Yeah... I'm about to throw a tempo tantrum -_-

On a high note however...

1.) After many minor setbacks it is official: GRACE AND I ARE SIGNING OUR LEASE ON FRIDAY!!! WOOT WOOT I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED
2.) I talked to Dr. Korevaar about studying abroad and he suggested Australia. Don't have to tell me twice!
3.) I get to accompany Mary for her senior recital in the fall!
4.) I got my first donation for San Diego and I feel reassured.
5.) I am almost done with my first year of college!
6.) I get a crap ton of extra money next year hence the reason why I will get to study abroad (forget about a 2 week trip somewhere!) This is a major development because I get to do what I want now!
7.) I had the best spring break in the history of the world. I think I have looked at the pictures like 20 times
8.) I get to play this badass piece next semester:  yeah. It's badass. I have provided the link as a preview of coming attraction. (I predict that B will watch it and Grace will not... <---accurate.)
8.5.) I played in class today. Baby got Bach. Even if I screwed up Bach...
9.) I am in love with this piece I am playing right now! It's so much fun to play!
10.) I am completely and utterly annoyed by people who go to the treble of ridiculing my degree. I can't stand them. They just don't measure up to these standards in the music school.
11.) I am signing up for my classes on Friday and I am so excited about them! I get to take an art class!

Also, I am reading this sharp book called Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and I highly highly highly recommend it! It's awesome! Also the Bible but you know...

Keepin' it trill bro.

Find all the music puns and I'll be your best friend. Oh wait.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ready for spring break.

So I'm just really tired and I really need a vacation and spring break is going to be the most amazing thing ever. It shall be legendary. 
School stuff is basically normal for me I still hate math and still love my writing class.
I really like my hair. That's totally random but I do.
So the fact that we each get to pick a movie for spring break is very difficult for me. I never had this much power before. I get to make you guys watch whatever I want you to watch (insert evil laugh). It's such a difficult decision for me I don't know what to do with all this power.
I had a whole list of stuff in my mind that I was going to blog about that I was thinking about it work and now that I'm home I can't remember a single thing, so this blog will be kind of short. In fact this is actually kind of the end. Yep I can't think of anything else to talk about.
But right now I'm tired so goodnight. I tots love ya both so much (Abby- absence makes the heart grow fonder!)
and I hope we will stay friends for-literally- ever. 
P.S. Just remembered something. Everyone at youth group calls me 
Bra-nay-nay now it's kinda cool. :) also Mika (Micah? Mica?) started coming to youth group!
P.P.S. It has begun. Skylyn (Sam Sam's GF) has friended me on Facebook. Their relationship must be gettin pretty serious.
P.P.P.S. Please can we play the song lyric game on spring break!?! I always ask and we never do!!! 
Also we should do the fake tattoo thing that Grace was talking about. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3 Things No One Tells You About Life

1. Money may not buy happiness, but it sure buys everything else. Remember when you were a little kid and money was this wonderful thing that you got when you did chores or when it fell out of your birthday card? Having $5 was like being a freakin millionaire or something. Well here's the cold hard truth. $5 barely buys you a tank of gas; and if you're gluten-free, $5 buys you one loaf of bread. And money is no longer a thing of joy, now it's this dark presence that is constantly hovering over you, no matter where you are or what you are doing. You will never feel secure in how much you have. It's hard to not be the person in 1 Timothy 6:10. (Yeah you have to look it up yourself. Don't be lazy.)

2. People suck. And you have to deal with them on a daily basis. I mean, every minute. People who don't use their blinkers, people who STILL don't take breath sounds in class, people who are incapable of taking a shower 10 minutes later than normal. Here is my advice to you on dealing with these sorts of people. First, try not to. Avoid direct confrontation at all costs. If direct contact is unavoidable, smile and nod and think about A.) Being on a beach with a stiff drink or B.) Punching their lights out. I can usually survive if I heed those principles. And then later I rant on and on to you guys or eat copious amounts of junk food. Ah well whatever it takes to not get arrested I suppose. I mean seriously, can you at least acknowledge the fact that my car could flatten you if I had not seen you?? It's called being a decent human being, people. 

3. Never underestimate the power of a private dance. And no, I am not talking about a lap dance; I know that's what both of you thought of immediately. Get your minds out of the gutter. But seriously, next time life is not going your way, do this: Find a room with a lock. Strip down to your underwear.(Wow this does sound like one of THOSE private dances. Hang in there.) Put your earphones in and pick your very favorite song ever. Turn it up as loud as you can bear. Turn off the lights. And dance your little heart out. And I mean dance! Jump on the bed, thrust your hips, do the Charlie Brown for Pete's sake. Try to block out all thoughts of anything else and drown yourself in the music. It's pretty great. Let me know when you try this and it changes your life. 

Well. That's about it. Those are the three things I wish I had been told before I was tossed out into the rubbish heap that is our world today. Also that Fruit Gushers are like manna from above. Sacré Bleú!!!!
Also enjoy this picture: 

Monday, March 3, 2014

I don't even have words to describe how sorry I am that I am the slowest blogger of all of us.

Well February was probably the most stressful month I have had in a while. And I don't even know why. I was just extremely stressed. Here's a few things:

1) I performed in studio class today in front of all the pianists in the school. I was so so so nervous. I think I sweat a liter and my mouth was all dry and I was shaky. But I did well. Dr. Korevaar says that I just need to perform a lot and then I won't be nervous. Only way out.

2) I am working on this piece of music called an Etude and it is kicking my butt. I don't know if I can play that fast. JUST FREAKING LOOK IT UP AND STOP DOUBTING ME. Chopin Etude Op. 10 No. 4.

3) I bought this music writing software and I am starting a project where I write pieces for everyone who is close to me. This'll take a while. I'll let you guys know when I make one for you because I'm pretty excited about it. Correction: I'll let you know when it passes my standards so you probably will never hear it. :)


5) I am so excited for Spring Break! WOOT WOOT!

6) I am going to San Diego this summer. What?! That's right. Be jealous

7) I swore I wouldn't turn into one of those girls who just wears leggings as pants, but they're so comfortable. Must. Not. Become. a. Sorority. Girl. is my new motto.

8) This was a good day for the washing machines to break in my dorm. Awkotaco. I need to do laundry. I have no socks.

9) Read Galations

10) Book club. Aww yeah.

So that's basically my life as of right now. Oh, and I finished the Office which means I probably won't be watching much Netflix so instead I can do things like my homework. What a novel idea! I can't wait for you two to come up tomorrow! I am super excited! Also, sorry for taking so freaking long to blog. Like every time :)


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Oops one more thing

So I saw Robocop last night, and I completely totally loved it. I don't even know why I love it so much! I just did! It was so cool!!! It was totally my kind of movie! That is all :)

Monday, February 17, 2014


Sorry I haven't blogged. I've been kinda busy. This is the time of year when I am really wishing Summer would come. At least Spring. I am done with the cold and snow and penguins and ICE! (Please understand that reference). Also I am done with school. I just want to graduate and be done. I do like school like my writing and my history classes. It's math. If I didn't have to do math I wouldn't be so anxious to be out of school. Oh well, I'll suck it up and get through it. 

I am completely obsesse with Star Wars right now. It's like all I think about lately! It's all I want to talk about! I'M SUCH A NERD!!!! Abby you know Josh the guy who works at Chickfila, his mom is my writing teacher and I had a Star Wars notebook and she comes up and starts talking to me about Star Wars and she said her husband who is a super smart high tech engineer, reads Star Wars books. I must meet him. An adult who reads Star Wars books. I am so happy because Clone Wars the cartoon series is going to be on Netflix on March 7th!!!! SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!! 

I love salt and vinegar chips.

Abby your party was awesome! That movie was great!!

Well I think that's all I got for right now. I gotta do math and then read a STAR WARS book. Farewell the loves of my life! Who needs a boyfriend when I have you guys!! Speaking of which, sometimes I really want a boyfriend but then I'm like eh, I don't have time and that is not yet necessary. Love you both tons!!! Later!!

P.S. Words cannot describe my excitement for spring break. Especially for that dessert place! I wa sick when we went there so I am suuuuper excited for that!!! Imma get fat on this trip!!!!! Yay!!!!!!! I had coffee today. I think ya starting to effect me. Omg coffee. Caffeine. Hey did I mention I like Star Wars? Cuz I do!!!! Okay I'm sorry I should prolly stop now. Bye!!!!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Three Cheers for Bacon

All righty dighty. Well done you both for blogging promptly. Well done me for blogging promptly. Well done us for being awesome. 

So. Let me sum up my life in a few sentences. 
1. What's that you say? Abby and I are getting an apartment together? Why yes, yes we are. AND IT'S GOING TO BE SO FREAKING AWESOME. Sigh. So flippin excited. 
2. EMT class. Starting to freak out about clinicals and practicals and stuff. Again I sigh. 
3. Michael. Huge sigh here. Need I say more. 
Those are the only things happening to me right now. Except I did get a very nice black jacket as a late Christmas present. And I love it. 

Also let's just take a moment to appreciate a few things: 
First of all, the Fast and Furious movies are super fantastic. I don't even know why I love them so much. Vin Diesel is so perfect for his role and Paul Walker is...perfect. It makes me incredibly sad that he is dead. :'(  
Second of all, I am kicking myself for not watching LOTR sooner. And Abby, I don't care what you say, Gollum is creepy as hell and Legolas is a sexy beast. 
Thirdly, I don't care what you say, B, the Muppets fall into the same category as Gollum. Creepy. As. Hell. 
Fourthly, I finished Grey's Anatomy on Netflix. Insert heaving sobs here. I guess I'll have to start it all over again!!!
Just kidding. 
Sort of. 

So. On to happier things. Such as......Spring Break!!!!!!!

Here is the breakdown of finances for the trip. This is per person:  
         Hotel: $80 a night 
         Food: $60(dinners)+$15(lunches)
         Other: $12(zoo)+$18(aquarium)
        Total: $185
There might be a little more, for gas and tax on the room and stuff. But the food might be less and the hotel has continental breakfast so yay. Safe to say $200. 
I found a restaurant called 1515 that is super nice. Look it up if you want. We can dress up really nice and stuff for that night. 
Also when exactly do we want to go? Mon, Tues, Wed nights? Let me know so I can try and reserve the rooms sooner that later. 
And when I say 'let me know' I mean it. When you read this,  text me with thoughts about all the spring break plans. :) please. 
That's it. I might be changing the Netflix password cause my family might be trying to steal it. I will accept possible alternatives. 
Have a nice weekend. Love you both lots!!!!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

My Awesome Week

This week has been CRA-A-ZY!!! So busy.

I went to Dr. Korevaar's piano recital on Tuesday for Free! It was awesome! I definitely think that your teacher really influences your performance style and I think that Korevaar has so much attention to detail and all this stuff that you guys probably don't care about. But every time that I have a lesson with him or see him perform, I just feel so much more sure of where I am supposed to be as far as school goes. I love it!

Also, I cam back from retreat and getting back into school NOT exhausted was hard. Because I was exhausted. I'm still tired. Also, retreat was AWESOME! I loved going as a leader. I love everything about retreat. I really think that you meet God there and it's awesome. I also just want to be the person who high schoolers feel comfortable talking to. Obviously, I'll never be as good at it or as trustworthy or as wise as Karla, but I want to at least not be pretentious and homeschooled (you know what I'm talking about…not that's it's inherently bad to be homeschooled).

On Wednesday, Grace and I went to look at an apartment? Wait, is that right? I don't know if I'm picking this up correctly…ARE WE OLD ENOUGH TO MOVE OUT AND DO WE ACTUALLY GET TO LIVE TOGETHER NEXT YEAR? Hell to the yeah.  :) B, you are welcome literally all the time. You can probably just live with us on our couch because that's how welcome you are. I am so so so so so excited because I don't have to live in the dorm, I get to live on my own, I get to live with my best friend, I love the apartment, and it's not nearly as expensive as a lot of other place. Oh and it is awesome. Wait I already said that. I'm just pretty much excited.

But this week has also been long because I have awkwardly had to help my friend with a break up (after 3 years) and that's hard because I hate relationships which is backwards because I love dating Seth.

So that's what my week has been like.

Oh and I can't wait for Spring Break! Just a little thing I'm looking forward to… :)



Thursday, January 23, 2014

Salt :)

1. I am having pre-vacation anxiety.
2. I think someone at work is crushing on me.
3. I saw the movie Lone Survivor and it was epic.
4. I hate math
5. I love short story writing class
6. I love Boulder chips

1.) Whenever I am about to go somewhere I just get really nervous the day before. I freak out about if I packed enough clothes and if I have everything I need. Also when Lady's not coming with me, I freak out because she sleeps with me every night and it's weird when she's not there and she freaks out whenever i'm not there. None-the-less, I am extremely excited for retreat! Gracie, I wish you were going :( Abby I'm so excited you're going!!! It's going to be legendary!
2.) So idk if he is just being funny and messing around or if this is just how he is. but my boss's son seems like he is crushing on me. He said I would be a horrible girlfriend because I am too safe (maybe I should do what he does in This Means War to prove I'm not too safe) but I would make a great wife.....ya. And Corrie told me that he was talking about me to her so idk. I kinda like him and if he asked me out I might not say no.
3.) Lone Survivor was possibly the best movie I have ever seen. Possibly my new favorite movie. I love a movie that will make me cry. Sometimes if i just really want to cry (don't ask why. I'm a girl with hormones) I'll watch a sad movie and force myself to cry, but this movie there was no need to force myself. It was super sad but the end was amazing. It made me realize how little I pray for our military and how much I should. You guys have got to see it. There is a lot of swearing though. But that's understandable because it's a war movie. But seriously, probably the best movie ever.
4.) Self explanatory. I loathe it with a vengeance.
5.) Also pretty self explanatory. We are doing a Greek mythology story right now and it's really fun! My teacher loved my action story and commented on it in front of everyone in class and that made me feel good :)
Well I think that's all I got for now. :) Love ya both tons!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Okey dokey so it's a good thing none of us are professional bloggers, cause we would all get fired. it feels like months since i've probably has haha. so i'll catch you up a little on my life and then outline a quick spring break review.

Well Christmas break was pretty great. it's been very nice to have so much time and not have to think about school or anything. but it's also bad because i do need to start thinking about school again. crap, is it next week already.....??  surprise...

let's see i went to a george winston concert at the beginning of december and it was so funny because halfway through the concert i lean over to jeremy and go 'look he only has 4 fingers on his left hand' cause he knew he would spend the rest of the time trying to see if he did. and then at the end of the next song i hear him go look dad he doesn't have a thumb. you can see the stump.' it was sooo funny. and my dad just starts cracking up in the middle of this concert. oh clueless jeremy.

also at the very end of last semester we had our last day of EMT class and they did evaluations on us and our skills and one of the teachers said he would let me take care of his family. well. that made me feel sooo good. for like 3 days i just kept looking at his notes and feeling great about myself. ;) and now school starts next week and i haven't studied for 6 weeks so no more taking care of anybody for me until i remember what the symptoms of kidney stones are....let's see, vomit that looks like red coffee grounds, stabbing stomach pains....

oh i also FINALLY went to the ear doctor because i had a feeling something was off. and she tells me that either my entire jaw structure is jacked up and i'll need therapy or my eustacian tubes leading to my nose are infected. so i've been spraying this stuff in my nose every morning and then i go back next week. hopefullyit was just an infection and it's all better because there's no way that i'm doing any therapy or junk like that...

got my wisdom teeth out. it actually wasn't as bad as everyone had said it was going to be. i have had almost no pain but there is a lot of swelling, which is kind of uncomfortable. i really just keep thinking about how i want cfa nuggets and spaghetti. and tiramisu. i am totally making tiramisu when i am healed. and then i will eat the whole thing. oh my gosh i need to stop....


ok. spring break. B you need to figure out if you can skip master's hand that tuesday, the 25th. so that last week in march is the one we are shooting for. and we want to stay in the less nice hotel for 2 nights on monday and tuesday and then the 4 seasons on wednesday...let me know.

ok here are the 3 hotels i am looking at for the cheaper hotel.

11909 West 6th Ave, Golden, CO 80401 US     $$273 for 2 nights

Fairfield Inn & Suites Denver Cherry Creek
1680 South Colorado Blvd · Denver, CO 80222 USA

Hampton Inn and Suites - Cherry Creek
E Kentucky Ave Glendale CO $$260

 i am 98% sure that they all have free breakfast and a hot tub/pool.  i like the look of the last hotel the best and it appears to be the cheapest one as well. it's also in a nice location. but check them out and let me know.

ok and the aquarium is $18 and the zoo is $15. i still have to call maggiano's about gluten free options. i'll also keep looking at other restaurants. especially places with amazing desserts!

also it looks like the 4 seasons is going to be a little more than we thought, i don't know if that's cause when we looked before they were having a deal or's gonna be more like $488. that's about $50 more for each of us. not sure how i feel about anyway let's talk about it. we could do a google chat (i love them) or if abby comes back this weekend we can meet and talk.

i think that's it. goodbye.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Another 10 Years Later

So I've realized I'm awful at keeping up with this blog. Yeah. Pretty much! Lo siento!

The Christmas break has been wonderful! I have had such a good time! And I still have 2 weeks left.

The past 5 days, I went to this awesome conference with CRU. It was amazing. I learned so much about myself, God, and sin. So as you know, my aunt has now come out as lesbian and is getting married to my former PE teacher. I have really been struggling with how to respond to this. It's hard because in the church, you don't talk about homosexuality unless you are talking about how it's bad and you'll go to Hell if you do it, and it's one of those "bad" sins that is condemning and God-forbid any Christian have same-sex orientation struggles. Because obviously, if you're a Christian you don't struggle with temptation and sin, right? WRONG. I don't know about you, but I still struggle with a ton of sin and temptation in my life. Just because I don't wear it on the outside as much as my aunt doesn't mean that it isn't as bad as hers. Just because God hasn't given that to me to struggle with, doesn't mean that I'm not as broken as the next gay person, or that I need God's grace any less.

I mean, how would I feel if someone came up to me and said "You know Abby, you're a sinner because you are a lustful person and you're going to Hell." Or "Abby, you're going to Hell because you gossip and are careless with your words." Yeah I'd be pretty upset because I know that those are condemning things. The difference between me and someone who is without Jesus living in their sin is the fact that they are without Jesus. I still sometimes live in my sin and I still have problems with temptation and anger even though I have given my life to Jesus.

So what's the best option? Talk to them about how they need to clean up their life or else they are going to Hell? No. Can you clean up your life without the power and grace of Jesus Christ? No. You can't. The truth is we all need Jesus and the only thing that someone who is without Jesus needs is Jesus. Not a cleaner life. Because they would go to Hell without Jesus no matter what their life looks like. And change of the heart can only happen when someone knows Jesus. All that I can do for people who struggle with any sin is be there for them and love on them and listen to them and tell them that Jesus loves them and accepts them for what they are and even what they do.

Because no one is good enough without Christ.

I have been so convicted with so many things this week and this was just one of the main ones. I just want to extend this to anyone: I will listen to you in your struggle and it's not bad to struggle. It doesn't make you not good enough. It only means that we should be more thankful for Jesus because he loves us so much anyway. So this is a 2-way street. We can talk about sin and temptation because once it's spoken, it feels much better than when it's stifled in the dark recesses of our heart.

Sorry about the post being so deep but I felt especially convicted this morning about this particular subject and I feel like I can tell you both anything.
