Saturday, February 1, 2014

My Awesome Week

This week has been CRA-A-ZY!!! So busy.

I went to Dr. Korevaar's piano recital on Tuesday for Free! It was awesome! I definitely think that your teacher really influences your performance style and I think that Korevaar has so much attention to detail and all this stuff that you guys probably don't care about. But every time that I have a lesson with him or see him perform, I just feel so much more sure of where I am supposed to be as far as school goes. I love it!

Also, I cam back from retreat and getting back into school NOT exhausted was hard. Because I was exhausted. I'm still tired. Also, retreat was AWESOME! I loved going as a leader. I love everything about retreat. I really think that you meet God there and it's awesome. I also just want to be the person who high schoolers feel comfortable talking to. Obviously, I'll never be as good at it or as trustworthy or as wise as Karla, but I want to at least not be pretentious and homeschooled (you know what I'm talking about…not that's it's inherently bad to be homeschooled).

On Wednesday, Grace and I went to look at an apartment? Wait, is that right? I don't know if I'm picking this up correctly…ARE WE OLD ENOUGH TO MOVE OUT AND DO WE ACTUALLY GET TO LIVE TOGETHER NEXT YEAR? Hell to the yeah.  :) B, you are welcome literally all the time. You can probably just live with us on our couch because that's how welcome you are. I am so so so so so excited because I don't have to live in the dorm, I get to live on my own, I get to live with my best friend, I love the apartment, and it's not nearly as expensive as a lot of other place. Oh and it is awesome. Wait I already said that. I'm just pretty much excited.

But this week has also been long because I have awkwardly had to help my friend with a break up (after 3 years) and that's hard because I hate relationships which is backwards because I love dating Seth.

So that's what my week has been like.

Oh and I can't wait for Spring Break! Just a little thing I'm looking forward to… :)



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