Sunday, August 31, 2014

Everything Hurts

Good evening, peeps.
Let me explain the title. We moved to the new house on Friday and we've been working like crazy all weekend. Moving boxes, carrying stuff, organizing stuff. So much stuff!! Also I had a very physically difficult horse back riding lesson on Friday, plus my period just started. Everything. Hurts. I couldn't fall asleep on Friday night because my back hurt so much. And Lady gruffed all night. She has a hard time in new places. Sorry if this is on the depressing side. This sounds like I just hate life. Plus sides. The basement of the new house is the best. We have the tv down there and it's just cozy and the best tv room ever. And this sounds weird but I'm in love with our new washing machine. Hard to explain. I just am. 
I love Karl Urban. I wanna watch Lord of the Rings with you guys. I love Karl Urban he's just awesome. Especially in Lord of the Rings because he rides a horse. Riding a horse makes a guy instantly 10 times sexier. 
If you would pray for my riding teacher that would be good because she is thinking about moving to another facility because there is a group of people moving in with their horses and they are known for bein somewhat abusive to their horses and that's just not a good atmosphere to be in. Also the owner doesn't sous like the nicest guy. :( it's sad cuz it's a super nice ranch. Maybe we won't leave maybe we will. 
I hate having money problems. I don't want to work but I want lots of money. Don't we all. Speaking of money, I got a job at Smashburger so MORE MONEY!! 
I'm super tired so this is all I'll do for now. 
Love you guys. Night

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