Monday, February 17, 2014


Sorry I haven't blogged. I've been kinda busy. This is the time of year when I am really wishing Summer would come. At least Spring. I am done with the cold and snow and penguins and ICE! (Please understand that reference). Also I am done with school. I just want to graduate and be done. I do like school like my writing and my history classes. It's math. If I didn't have to do math I wouldn't be so anxious to be out of school. Oh well, I'll suck it up and get through it. 

I am completely obsesse with Star Wars right now. It's like all I think about lately! It's all I want to talk about! I'M SUCH A NERD!!!! Abby you know Josh the guy who works at Chickfila, his mom is my writing teacher and I had a Star Wars notebook and she comes up and starts talking to me about Star Wars and she said her husband who is a super smart high tech engineer, reads Star Wars books. I must meet him. An adult who reads Star Wars books. I am so happy because Clone Wars the cartoon series is going to be on Netflix on March 7th!!!! SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!! 

I love salt and vinegar chips.

Abby your party was awesome! That movie was great!!

Well I think that's all I got for right now. I gotta do math and then read a STAR WARS book. Farewell the loves of my life! Who needs a boyfriend when I have you guys!! Speaking of which, sometimes I really want a boyfriend but then I'm like eh, I don't have time and that is not yet necessary. Love you both tons!!! Later!!

P.S. Words cannot describe my excitement for spring break. Especially for that dessert place! I wa sick when we went there so I am suuuuper excited for that!!! Imma get fat on this trip!!!!! Yay!!!!!!! I had coffee today. I think ya starting to effect me. Omg coffee. Caffeine. Hey did I mention I like Star Wars? Cuz I do!!!! Okay I'm sorry I should prolly stop now. Bye!!!!!

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