Monday, December 1, 2014


You know, I should have blogged like 3 months ago but...I decided to be a lametard and not do that. So here I am blogging FINALLY.

I have been sooooo excited to live at this apartment with Grace. I am pretty sure we are the best roommates in the history of the world, but I'm a little biased. I'm glad that we get to live here because I never have to wear pants or other articles of clothing except for when Andrew comes over. So 6/7 nights a week, I'm pants less. :) I'm not sure Grace enjoys it quite as much because I think I annoy the poop out of her. It's just speculation at this point, but...

I am seriously so so so SO done with this freaking semester! I am so tired of the same classes and teachers for months. I just want to be done. I only have 2 more weeks until I am going to be done with this semester. That's right! NO FINALS FOR ME (except my piano jury)! Woot woot!

I am so glad that we got to have that amazing Thanksgiving dinner with each other! So much fun!

I am going to binge watch all of Parks and Rec over break. Seriously. I am also going to be starting to watch Supernatural. Maybe. I will also get to go on dates with froman. That's right. I love it. Also, I will be working and practicing piano until my fingers bleed but we had better get to hang out all three together like old times! That used to be so fun! So we must again!

I literally have no clue what I want for Christmas. But whatever. Here's my Christmas wish list:

1) A nice pair of really warm water proof gloves
2) Long wool socks
3) Long warm sweaters or tunics or whatever you call them. Just as long as they cover my butt. That's right. I want to wear leggings so I need long shirts.
4) A calendar
5) a lovesac
6) Music books. If you want more specifics, I have a list of composers and editors. It changes from composer to composer so just ask me if you want to get me some. Or you can always get me movie scores and stuff like that
7) set of kitchen knives
8) a toaster
9) A nice winter coat
10) Tea from Teavana or the tea shop on Pearl Street. Also, one of those little strainers for tea leaves.

That's all that I can really think of right now, but those are all pretty good things. Other than those, I desire your love and friendship ;)

I'm so glad you two are my friends. I don't know what I'd do without you!


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