Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Signs and Symptoms of Being an Adult

It's a disease that affects billions. Both men and women suffer from it. And the only way to not get it is to die before you are affected. What affliction am I speaking of? ADULTHOOD.

Here are the signs and symptoms of being an adult:
    SO much worry about money. All day, every day. do i have enough? how can i make more? Will i ever have enough? (the answer to that is no, btw.) So if you worry about money, congratulations you're an adult.
    Remember how as a little kid chores were from the devil? yeah when you're an adult you want to live in a clean environment. suddenly having a clean bathroom and no dishes in the sink makes you feel like you really have your life together (even thought you really don't.) sure sign of adulthood: wanting to do chores.
    This is a big one so listen up. bees are scary mother**ckers. as are wasps and all matter of flying or crawling creatures with 6 or 8 legs. but as an adult, you're the one who has to stay behind when everyone else is running screaming from the room and kill that nasty son of a gun. sucks to suck.
   Have you ever said 'because i said so' or 'don't make me come in there' ? If so, you might be an adult (or babysitting michael) especially if you have a special tone of voice that you use when saying such phrases. not even yelling, just this real dangerously quiet voice. use it once and BAM you're an adult.
   Going to bed is your favorite time of the day. or your morning cup of coffee. from the moment you get out of bed in the morning, you look forward to getting back in it.  this might just be me though...
   It's a helluva lot easier to ignore/forgive annoying little brothers and sisters. it just doesn't matter anymore if they are stupid. you're an adult and have more pressing concerns. (like money, remember) older brothers and sisters are still as annoying as ever though. funny how that works...
I'm sure that there are many many more but maybe i'm not a full-fledged adult yet. thank goodness.

quick update on me though:
I'm so busy it's crazy. I like being busy but this is a little ridiculous. i am tired all the time. I have only 2 evenings and two mornings that i don't do anything. and sundays. but those times are taken up with doing chores or errands that i don't have any other time for. july is looking just as busy cause even though class will be over, i have 90 hours of clinical shifts at Emergency Departments or ambulances. Then i have to look for and apply for jobs. gah. at least i'm making bank and getting to stick people with needles.
Speaking of needles, i'm loving my IV class. i don't know what i find so thrilling about sliding a thin hollow piece of metal into another person's vein but it's great.
well until next time. Abby, miss you and love you a lot. Brianna, i don't miss you because i see you what feels like every day to freaking run (gaaaaaah) but i do love you!

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