Monday, May 19, 2014

The Count of Monte Cristo!!!!!

New favorite movie!! Well not favorite because Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back will always hold the number 1 spot in my heart as best movie. Then October Sky is in 2nd. Well the Count of Monte Cristo is in Third!!! My gosh guys if you haven't seen it, watch it!! I watched the entire thing on YouTube. In fact here is the link so you have no excuse to not watch it. I'm going to read the book now! So good. Plus the main guy is cute. :)
Anyway. Sorry I have not blogged, I just haven't had the motivation to for some reason. Life is good. Trying to eat healthy, get in shape for a 5k, not sin. Ya know the usual stuff. 
So I know you don't particularly agree with what my church does but if you have time watch the sermon online from yesterday. It usually takes a week for it to be put online so next Sunday try watching it. It was very very good. They play a secular song at the beginning but watch the whole thing and you'll realize why they played it. I just think it was really helpful for me so I hope you consider watching it :)
So I was not at all excited about the camping trip but now I cannot wait!! It gonna be so great!!! I'm a at nervous because I've never gone camping without axe wielding men to protect me before, but it'll be great!!
Well I guess that's it for right now. I know my life is so exciting. Anyway I love you guys so much. Keep being awesome!
Romans 6:11

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