Saturday, July 12, 2014

More San Diego!!!

I am sitting here in San Diego with some music blasting eating ramen, alone, for what feels like the first time in forever. You know how I like me some (a lot of) alone time!!! Just a heads up, this'll probably be a seriousish post. You have been warned!

So basically, this trip has been the best experience of my life. But at the same time, it's been so hard and so exhausting and crazy. The point this summer, is to step out in faith and leave results up to God. So, I was pretty much terrified of everything because stepping out in faith is very difficult to do. I came out here with hardly any support, I shared my faith, I shared the Gospel, I go evangelizing weekly, I shared my entire testimony to strangers (on multiple occasions), I forgave my dad, I wrote my dad a letter, I wrote Mary a letter, I started a bible study. And I'm sure I'm forgetting things but this is what I thought of off the top of my head.

Yeah I wrote my dad a letter. Let's just start there. First, I wrote him an angry letter without any intent of sending it to him. And I realized how pissed off I was at him for so long but I had never actually vocalized all of it. And I didn't realize that writing that letter would actually bring healing to me. Then I wrote a letter that I actually sent to him. Just saying how I've been mad at him but that I forgive him for everything and I don't know how it will look to have a relationship with him but I just wanted to clear the air. And he wrote me back! I thought that he would be mad and probably yell at me in his letter, but that didn't happen and we're gonna get together when I get back. It just shows how faithful God is and how he goes before us to prepare the way. It's amazing!!

I started a bible study with my friend Pablo Garcia from work. We have this weekly meeting and every single week (actually probably more like every day I saw him) I invited him to it. But he couldn't go because he is the drummer for this band and they usually play shows on the weekend. Anyway, I kept on stepping out and inviting him even though I felt uncomfortable and he finally one day asked me why I believe what I believe and he said that he is a Christian but has not really learned how to read the bible and stuff and he asked for my help!! So we have met twice! And it's totally a God thing!! It's just awesome! I have gotten to discuss a lot of hard questions with him about Christianity and what is truth and whatnot. I'm pretty much excited! Oh also, he has wonderful hair. If you're curious, look him up on FB. It's just fabulous.

I feel like God has grown me so much over the past month and a half, it's insane!!

On a different note, Andrew called me the other night and said that I have been so distracting to him and while he loves talking to me, we shouldn't talk till the end of his program this summer. I have been reevaluating out friendship anyway (some things will probably have to change...) but it was weird.

On a different different note, these two black girls I work with (Kennieshay and Quineesha) based their pants size off of mine, because I have a big butt...-_- Who am I kidding? I love it.

I am soooooo excited that you guys bought rafts and then also bought me one!!! SO GREAT! INGENIOUS IDEA LADIES!!!

Also, I am seriously sorry if I hurt either one of you guys' feelings about Water World. I'm excited to go with you guys and it's gonna be great just the 3 of us!!! And I can't wait for the apartment, but it kinda feels surreal to me right now!

I love you both! Sorry for the seriousish post!!!


Oh P.S. Romans 5:8. Yes.

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