Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Okey dokey so it's a good thing none of us are professional bloggers, cause we would all get fired. it feels like months since i've probably has haha. so i'll catch you up a little on my life and then outline a quick spring break review.

Well Christmas break was pretty great. it's been very nice to have so much time and not have to think about school or anything. but it's also bad because i do need to start thinking about school again. crap, is it next week already.....??  surprise...

let's see i went to a george winston concert at the beginning of december and it was so funny because halfway through the concert i lean over to jeremy and go 'look he only has 4 fingers on his left hand' cause he knew he would spend the rest of the time trying to see if he did. and then at the end of the next song i hear him go look dad he doesn't have a thumb. you can see the stump.' it was sooo funny. and my dad just starts cracking up in the middle of this concert. oh clueless jeremy.

also at the very end of last semester we had our last day of EMT class and they did evaluations on us and our skills and one of the teachers said he would let me take care of his family. well. that made me feel sooo good. for like 3 days i just kept looking at his notes and feeling great about myself. ;) and now school starts next week and i haven't studied for 6 weeks so no more taking care of anybody for me until i remember what the symptoms of kidney stones are....let's see, vomit that looks like red coffee grounds, stabbing stomach pains....

oh i also FINALLY went to the ear doctor because i had a feeling something was off. and she tells me that either my entire jaw structure is jacked up and i'll need therapy or my eustacian tubes leading to my nose are infected. so i've been spraying this stuff in my nose every morning and then i go back next week. hopefullyit was just an infection and it's all better because there's no way that i'm doing any therapy or junk like that...

got my wisdom teeth out. it actually wasn't as bad as everyone had said it was going to be. i have had almost no pain but there is a lot of swelling, which is kind of uncomfortable. i really just keep thinking about how i want cfa nuggets and spaghetti. and tiramisu. i am totally making tiramisu when i am healed. and then i will eat the whole thing. oh my gosh i need to stop....


ok. spring break. B you need to figure out if you can skip master's hand that tuesday, the 25th. so that last week in march is the one we are shooting for. and we want to stay in the less nice hotel for 2 nights on monday and tuesday and then the 4 seasons on wednesday...let me know.

ok here are the 3 hotels i am looking at for the cheaper hotel.

11909 West 6th Ave, Golden, CO 80401 US     $$273 for 2 nights

Fairfield Inn & Suites Denver Cherry Creek
1680 South Colorado Blvd · Denver, CO 80222 USA

Hampton Inn and Suites - Cherry Creek
E Kentucky Ave Glendale CO $$260

 i am 98% sure that they all have free breakfast and a hot tub/pool.  i like the look of the last hotel the best and it appears to be the cheapest one as well. it's also in a nice location. but check them out and let me know.

ok and the aquarium is $18 and the zoo is $15. i still have to call maggiano's about gluten free options. i'll also keep looking at other restaurants. especially places with amazing desserts!

also it looks like the 4 seasons is going to be a little more than we thought, i don't know if that's cause when we looked before they were having a deal or's gonna be more like $488. that's about $50 more for each of us. not sure how i feel about anyway let's talk about it. we could do a google chat (i love them) or if abby comes back this weekend we can meet and talk.

i think that's it. goodbye.

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