Thursday, October 24, 2013


Alright, I know. It's taken me way too long to blog! But whatever! I don't even care ;) Actually, the reason for that is that there has been a ton on my mind lately concerning my family and my life. Which you guys now OFFICIALLY know everything about my family and my life. So you know there's a bit to struggle through. And I am constantly struggling because well, I am constantly being presented with these opportunities to glimpse God's plan for a family and so I just compare my life and it's so different and it makes me sad. But I know that God will bring me through everything that is hard for me to deal with because well, he's God and he's awesome!!!

On a different note, my nephew Silas is the most precious thing in the entire world. Seriously. He is so precious.

Also, I sat next to these frat guys in my english class the past few class periods. And they have been talking hangovers. Just so you know: wine is rough of the hangovers and so is Jack Daniels. Also, the guy on the second floor of my dorm (my english class has only people from my dorm in it) said that he bought a strobe light, a disco ball, 7 (I think) bags of wine (each bag contains 8 bottles of wine...) and he was excited to throw a party in his dorm. Thank the Lord I discovered earplugs before this very night. Also, thank the Lord he is not on my floor.

Yesterday, I was eating dinner in the C4C with Andrew and this guy at the table behind me banged his head so hard on the back of his booth that Andrew and I cried a little from laughing so darn much! It was hilarious. And then that guy was like "are they laughing at me" and he was a big black dude so I was a tad worried but nothing happened because I am still here and not beaten up.

The reason I wrote my last title as "Squirrel!" is because I was feeling very disjointed and distracted when I wrote it just like in "UP" when the dog yells Squirrel! and gets all distracted.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013


So you both know I am boy crazy. I haven't been for a while though but now I really am again. I've been watching Once Upon A Time with my parents (I am so happy they love it!!!) an Captain Hook is really hot. So is the Mad hatter. So is this one guy who I can't tell you about. Also Prince Charming is extremely attractive. Ok fine I'll stop talking about hot guys now.
I really want a horse. I think it would be the best thing ever. The sad thing is it probably won't happen anytime in the foreseeable future. It costs a lot and I am saving my money for college, spring break :D, Christmas, and extra spending money for my California trip in December (speaking of which, we have to change our Christmas shopping day because my dad changed our vacation plans. We leave on the 1st and get back on the 15th so be thinking about when to go).
Anyway I might lease a horse which would pretty much be half owning a horse which would be legit and I could compete in competitions with it!!
Also I am really into Hockey right now. I love it!!! It gives me something to do with my brother Luke! It's awesome! I love it!! And they are so many hot hockey players :) sorry I said I wouldn't talk about guys anymore.
Mr. Vogel is funny. We are doing football in P.E. :p and someone new asked if it would be like playing wii sports and he went into his story about playing wii tennis and using perfect form and losing to another person who is flicking their wrists. He told us never to use wii and sports in the say sentence ever again. I love Mr. Vogel, he's awesome.
And last, I've been having some weird experiences with Caleb. It seemed like last year in school we were best friends like he would always save me a seat next to him at lunch and in art class and basically in all our classes but now he kind of doesn't  care if I'm anywhere near him or not. We don't talk as much or anything. It's weird. This might be better to talk about in person. Also I want to talk about another guy :)
Love you guys!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Forgot to tell you that the 4 seasons doesn't offer free breakfast....poop.
And Brianna changed her vacation dates so we need to change our shopping date. Abby maybe we can pull you out of school early ;)

Femur Bone!!

So you know when you suddenly have an epiphany about yourself? Like when I realized I loved whipped cream or when i discovered that i can be bossy. ;) I was playing ball with my perfect angel dog (who is better than Lady) in the backyard and i realized that i love making lists. I love pouring my mind out onto a list and then not have to remember what i need to do. i need to work on completing the list though....
anyhoo. let's see what insights i can give you today.
never move if you can possibly avoid it. do whatever you have to do, sell your body, live in a tent, but do not attempt to move. it will make your hair fall out and you will want to kill yourself. that being said, i cannot wait to be done with this whole process. ugh.

the garage sale went all right. I made about $215. i would have made more, we had plenty of stuff, but it wasn't necessarily good stuff. but two hundred dollars is nothing to sneeze at i suppose. i'm going to use the money to buy christmas presents for my family. i have probably told you guys that already...oh well.

also here's my two cents on spring break. everybody i've told that i'm going to denver has looked at me kind of funny, like 'you're going to spring break in....denver? 20 minutes away?' i don't even care. yeah i would rather go on a road trip or fly to hawaii but do i have the money for that? no. so hush up. also the four seasons is very expensive but i think it's going to be totally worth it. it either of you have misgivings about our current plan , please say something!! :D i've been trying to find hotels for $100 -$115 but they are few and far between. they are either not that nice or far away from denver. so if you guys want to do your own search or we can drive a bit farther or pay a bit more. let's talk again about it. :) we also need to try and think of ways to make money...even like $200 would pay for the fours season pretty much...maybe ask for cash for christmas ;)

also this is so so so awful. i was driving down hover the other day and i see this dog jump out of the back of this convertible ON HOVER AS THE LADY WAS DRIVING LIKE 45 MPH and he was being half dragged by his leash and he's half running and everyone around her is honking like crazy and she's just driving la te da and finally finally she stops and i pulled up next to her and asked if he was okay and she was like 'oh yeah!" and i drove away feeling like i wanted to report her to animal control. some people shouldn't own animals.

also guess what? we are flying chris down here for my mom's birthday. she is going to be so surprised but it's the weekend right before we move so i'm kind of hoping she can just enjoy him and not be freaking out about packing.

ok i think that's it for me. if you are confused about my title abby did a random word for her title so i am just continuing the trend. ;) have a great week!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


So I probably shouldn't write this with my roommate literally sitting 5 feet away from me. However, this annoys me. She is writing an essay about morals and she is trying to explain how having sex is not morally wrong BUT WITHOUT USING RELIGION. How are there morals without religion? There are not. I still like her but people who live in sin have such a twisted view of the world. Ok. Technically, I still "live in sin" but I have repented and I sometimes sin because I'm still in the world. But she has rejected Jesus (she went to High School Youth Group some and said she heard the Gospel) and that I did not do. So anyway. I would love prayer for my roommate because I actually think that God is going to lead me to talk to her about it. Also, I need prayer for me so that I will ACTUALLY talk to her about it. Also, I probably sound all elitest and "holier than thou" so pray for me for that too ;)

Anyways, my week has been good. Rachel won't have her baby and I want her to sooooo badly!!!! SO BADLY.
Also, last weekend I met Seth's "ex-love-interest" (they never dated but they wanted to) and it was so awkward. Never have I met someone who had so much hate towards me right off the bat. I mean, right off the bat. I don't think I told B about this but it was intense. Plus she is a rather large person (not fat just really tall and bigger than me) so I was scared of her.
But enough about THAT! I know that what you really want to hear about it Seth. I know, I wanna hear  about him too, and talk about him. ;)
haha I wouldn't do that to you. But he is hot and you know it.
Grace and I are going to donate plasma for the spring break fund. We have to do it.
Also, if my professor forgets about another one of my lessons, I WILL strangle him.
That's about it for now. I'm sure I'll think of something that I really should have written in here but now I'm at the end and I have a stupid test tomorrow and I haven't even LISTENED to the music. Crap.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Something I forgot :p

I GOT MY LICENSE!!!!! It's so cool having  a car and being able to go wherever I want and not have to count on other people to take me places. Also I like having control over the music and singing really loudly and annoyingly because no one can hear :D that is all. Keep Calm and Carry On.

Heart Rate Monitor

So my day started out okay. Got up a bit early before work to take Lady for a walk. Then I got to work and it started to suck. A lot. Like I was messing things up and my boss seemed to be getting irked. I worked 11-3 but then my day got better when I offered to stay longer at wok because we had 1,000 (not kidding) Tago smoothies to get done and my boss had to leave by 5:15. And we got almost all of them done between 3-5:15 which is probably a record considering how crazy busy it had been. But I ended up staying 2 hours past my shift which gave me MAJOR brownie points with my boss :) Then I went to my brother's house for dinner and that was fun. Then I went to youth group and got into a debate with Matt, Mark and Laith about Pit Bulls...ya let's not go into that. Let's just say I am irked by their ignorance. 
Then I came home an watched this awesome Anime movie with KT. 
So there is this guy at youth group and I think he may have a crush on me. That!s totally fine with me because he's hot and he's really nice and he's hot. Just stuff he did like sit right next me when there were lots other places to sit and stuff like that. He's really nice though :) and hot. 
Anyhow this is titles heart rate monitor because my days usually go up and down. And to quote this picture I found once, if there aren't ups and downs in your life it means your dead, with a picture of a heart rate monitor. So that's that. I miss you guys and look forward to hanging out soon! I must go do history homework (I got a 94 on my test yesterday!!!) and then go to bed!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

It's Basically a Novel....

Well it has been a while since i've blogged so buckle up, it's gonna be a long ride.

1. yes i finally talked to deborah about her failing to raise her child. i told her very politely that she needs to tell him what will happen and don't change her mind. just let me pick him up. he will be fine. she actually listened to me and agreed but said that she is waiting for her mom to die before she can focus on his anxiety and i'm like you can't handle a woman on life support and a 9-year-old? but i am thankful that there are steps in the right direction at least.

2. i started a core exercise class with mr.vogel's apprentice...yes i know it's not a pole dancing class but i am excited to actually have a class,which is way better than trying to motivate myself. and it's just me and my dad in the class so far, which is a little weird and it's at 7 in the morning which sucks cause i hate the early morning.  but i will be buff shortly and hopefully able to do a handstand.

3. justin almost got scammed on craig's list by this guy who overpaid for his bike by $1700 dollars and then told justin just to send him the extra money back. luckily we saved justin by alerting him that it was a scam. he was mad because he didn't figure it out first and everyone was yelling about what he should do and he finally told us all to take our opinions and leave. not really but basically. so the moral of THAT story is to watch out for scammers.

4. speaking of giving advice, last week i felt sad and depressed because i feel like my family doesn't really value my opinion or me really. they never ask in-depth questions about my life. i mean, i'm technically going to college even if it's not university and it's interesting and i love it but noooo grace still lives at home so she must be 15 still. and i'm a girl and for some reason the men in my family are somewhat sexist......girls can do stuff too. sheesh. so you guys could pray that i feel peace about that.

5. this garage sale had better bring in a lot of money because it's going to give me a hernia. there is so much stuff to organize and decide on pricing and make signs and ugh. thanks so much for being willing to help.

6. there was a stray dog in our yard the other day and it was really cute but it was so scared and it tucked itself back in the corner of the yard behind the rose bushes and so i had to call animal control and they come and got him but i didn't get to see them take him away because i was in the bathroom dying. literally my insides were melting and coming out get the picture. it was because i had had dairy pretty much every day for 2 weeks and then i stopped on tuesday cause i knew i was gonna get sick. but then saturday we got BWW for lunch and i just HAD to have a few parmesan garlic and my stomach was like 'haha NO you just jumped off the cliff of pain and death into the lava of agony.' it was a bad time for me. so now i am going to be dairy free for a few weeks. hopefully.

well i think you're pretty much caught up from the last week or so. it worked really well for me to keep a note whenever i thought of something to blog so you might try it :) i am really excited for friday so have an awesome week till then love you!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Nothing much to say today

I really don't have much to say, except that I am going to this thing called RMGA tonight. I'm pretty excited about it because it's going to be similar to Winter Retreat I think. A lot of the people that I've met at CRU are awesome and I love having a place to go on campus that is Christ-oriented.
In other news, I joined an intramural soccer team and I played in my first game of soccer since freshman year yesterday. It was rough. My ball handling skills suck plus I'm out of shape...but hey! The girls are all very nice and they still passed me the ball even though I kept missing.
In other other news, I have been practicing but not accomplishing much. Like I spend an hour in the practice rooms and learn like 2 measures (that's an exaggeration but still). Plus my professor is kinda scary but he actually said that it sounded really good. I just wish that he thought I was amazing at piano but oh well.
Also, I hate peer revision. My peer reviewer has nothing useful to tell me. AT ALL.
Also, I cannot wait to see my crack pots thingy

Oh, and yeah. It's snowing here. IN OCTOBER.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A bit short...

So I'm a little bit sick. I HATE BEING SICK. It is irksome to me. I hope I'm better by Saturday because we are having a party for me and heather for our birthdays. Anyway, I am really excited to go to the opening night for the Avs tonight!! So excited! Luke is taking me for my birthday!! 
Yesterday was awesome I love hanging out with you guys so much!!! 
I get my license tomorrow. Hopefully. I am so bloody nervous. Prayer are greatly appreciated. I reeeeally hope I'm feeling alright tomorrow morning.
This is a bit short but you can deal with it :)
Love you guys