Saturday, November 30, 2013

33 Facts About Me and Other Tidbits

If you know more than 21.7 of these facts, you get a prize. :)

1. My mother had three brothers just like me, but one of them was her twin. I've always secretly wished for a twin. 
2. If I could pick one state to live in, it would probably be North Carolina. Because it has mountains and beaches, two of my favorite things in the world. But Alaska and Colorado are close seconds. 
3. Biggest fears? Spiders, losing a member of my family, and marrying a serial killer by accident. 
4. My favorite number is 13, my favorite letter is X and my favorite color is turquoise. 
5. I am very possessive of my things. I like to have all my stuff together and I am really bad about sharing my food. 
6. I can't juggle or change a tire, both things I wish I could do. 
7. I was born with 6 toes on my left foot. I had surgery to take it off when I was 3. You can barely see the scar. 
8. I think video games are really stupid. But I love Age of Empires, which is a computer game. 
9. Just because I don't agree with gay marriage doesn't mean I hate gay people. It's possible to love people who do things you believe are wrong and the world doesn't understand that. 
10. If I could own any pet, it would probably be a leopard. Or a dragon. 
11. My favorite part in any movie is when a bunch of stuff is happening with music in the background. Like in Ratatouille when he's learning to cook. 
12. I would love to backpack the world but I can't. Cause I'm poor. 
13. My biggest weaknesses? Whipped cream, puppies, jackets and Rice Krispie Treats. 
14. I would marry Legolas in a heartbeat. 
15. I have a high pain tolerance but I like people to feel sorry for me when I'm injured. Even though the worst injury I've ever had was my broken nose. And I'm still not sure it was actually broken. 
16. Things I've always wanted are a lava lamp and those super strong magnets you get in a little bag. I finally bought the magnets at the Grand Canyon on my road trip. 
17. Dream jobs are a bartender, a stunt woman and a search and rescue worker. 
18. Number 7 is a total lie. 
19. Pet peeves are pens that don't work, locked doors, and stupid people. 
20. I have 20/25 vision. 
21. Caffeine doesn't affect me. 
22. I am really good at justifying things and I don't have a very strong conscience. It's kind of bad...
23. I am a very fast reader and a good speller, two things I'm proud of. 
24. I love the words creamy, flaky, and fresh.
25. My least favorite feature about myself is my nose. My favorite is my waist/chest.
26. I REALLY wish I could play the guitar. 
27. I can be very nostalgic and I love family traditions.  
28. If I could go anywhere in the world, it would be the moon. Or New Zealand. 
29. I hate it when people underestimate me or don't take me seriously. I HATE IT.
30. Things I would like to do when I move out: get a tattoo, take a pole dancing class, and take a road trip. I could say wear a bikini, but I probably won't.
31. I know I am the person I am because of how my parents raised me, and I'm scared to death I won't be able to raise my kids the same way. 
32. I love the stars.
33. When I was little, I always wanted a best friend. And now I have two amazing ones!!!
Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me, although you probably already knew most of them. Your prize is the warm fuzzy feeling you get from knowing so much about me!!! I'm gonna miss you a lot, Brianna. Have a great trip!! 

Here's my Christmas list: 
•A Buff. One of those head things you can wear 12 different ways. I would like a greenish one but not one with a weird pattern...
•A hardback copy of Inheritance. 
•Gift cards to REI, Target, Kohl's or Starbucks. 
•I'm trying decide if I want Casino Royale...
•A pair of those shoes that Abby bought at Payless. The clog-like ones with fur. I like the brown ones. In size 9. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

10 years Later

I apologize for not blogging for so freaking long. BUT I have been very busy. Yeah, I know. No excuse but that's mine. These past two weeks have been filled with tests and papers and so much practicing. I am officially a terrible student towards Dr. Spillman (the guy who is filling in for Dr. Korevaar). I know that this also has no excuse, but I really have no desire to practice for him and impress him. 
I am writing this on my way to Arkansas. It is currently 8:15 in the evening and we have been on the road since 7 am. Needless to say, this trip is insane. Just imagine Joel and Isaac and Chloe in the backseat, tired. Yeah. It's a little bit crazy. But honestly, I don't even really mind because I love them all (for the most part. You know how that is).  We were playing this game where you say your name then a sibling's name, then where you live, then what you sell started with a certain letter (ex: My name is Abby. My brother's name is Allen. We live in Alabama. We sell Art. and so on) and Joel had F and suddenly he goes "Hi. My name is Francis. My sister's name is Fraberta. And then we all just lost it. It was very funny and very fun and we had a good time. 
I know that you both probably hate me because I like Seth and because we are dating. But I don't know what to do. What am I supposed to say? "I never want to spend time with him because he isn't someone I enjoy being around and he doesn't help me to think about important, difficult things." I don't know. Plus I feel like if you really hate it, then you should just tell me so that I will break up with him and be your friends instead of yours and his too. Am I just supposed to not want to spend any time with him when I come home? I won't even tell you guys anything about him because I know you guys don't actually want to hear it.
Anyway. So my friend Mikah is going to college in Australia. I am totally going to go visit her out there when she does because it would be so awesome! I have always wanted to go to Australia! 
I have also decided that now that I'm in college, I can literally do anything that i want to. If I want to go to Australia, then I can save up money and go. If I want to buy myself a pair of shoes then I can. And if I want to take a literature class, then I can just take it. I can't wait until you both have moved out and can experience that for yourselves!

Here's my Christmas list:
-Pair of heeled boots size 9 like the ones that I saw at Charming Charlie's or Payless
-Gift Card to Charming Charlie's
-Money towards a nice keyboard I can hook up to my computer
-Headphones that cover your ear all the way. NOT earbuds
I'm sure I'll think of more things but these are pretty important.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Brianna's Christmas Wish List

Colorado avalanche lanyard
Obsessed with Star Wars book
Moulin Rouge
Gerard Butler
Memory Lane Mcfly cd
Anything and everything Star Wars
Anything and everything colorado avalanche
Gift cards
Clone Wars Season 4 (please!!!)

Monday, November 11, 2013

It's Long

 So this is stuff from the past few weeks and may not be currently relevant. Hey, it's not my fault you guys took forever to blog! I will start at non-current and go to current :)

So I was writing a story on ancient roman  history for my short story writing class and I was having HORRIBLE writer's block. It's strange. If I'm not in the right mood to write, and I try to write, it all comes out as boring unreadable crap. So I was I a writing mood for the first 3 weeks of school while we weren't allowed to write yet an then as soon a we are supposed to write my mind goes blank. It's due tomorrow and thankfully this was a good week and I got it all done, and it is actually pretty good!

I am still DYING to see Prisoners.

I have become hooked on The Vampire Diaries. Don't judge it by the name. It's like Twilight except they got people who could actually act and this one actually had an interesting story line. Oh yes. Did I mention the endless amount of hot vampires?

Back in June I think it was, Gracie and I met Jessica Alba and I recently had been thinking about that and so I had this dream that I was in LA and I was lost or something and Jessica Alba came along and picked me up in her limo and we became best friends. It was awesome! Then I woke up :(

I have been feeling extra quiet and shy lately. Oh both know I am shy but I have just felt more shy. And awkward. Even with people I know, like people at work and youth group. I guess I was just going through some weird phase or some crap.

I am pretty sure I told you the story about my bird escaping and hen coming back! If my find it on Facebook cuz I don't feel like typing it all out right now.

From here on everything is within the past two days current. 

So I got this book from the library on Friday and I freaking love it It's called the Last Disciple and it's by "the bible answer man" and it is about Ancient Rome which is my favorite time period and oh my gosh I love it.

Also.... Hold on I need to compose myself. I watched Olympus has Fallen and... Hang on....I FREAKING LOVE THE FREAKING MOVIE!!!!!! IT'S SO FREAKING GOOD!!!! OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT!! I WATCHED IT TWICE!!!! Well one and a half times. It's so good!!! Watch it!!!!!!

Okay that's it for me for now. Abby I miss you. I have not seen you in forever! I lost your ring....but the I FOUND IT!!! :)
I was going to post my Christmas list but it's late and I want to read before I go to sleep so I'll post it tomorrow :)
Love ya guys!!

P.S. If you have not watched it yet, watch the old Spock, new Spock car commercial. Hilarious!!!
The pulley. THE PULLEY!! NOW!!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I'm So Tired...sorry

yes yes i know it's been a while. but as long as we keep blogging it doesn't matter as much when we do it. also i am tired and so this is going to be a little random.

i feel like there are a lot of things i could write. let's see.....
 moving of course. we move wed thurs fri of this week and hopefully we'll be all done by saturday. my mom is thinking that after we get all our stuff moved over there we'll all go back over to this house and do a bunch of cleaning. every body else is like 'no. once we move out we're done.' plus we've practically bent over backwards for the vogels this whole move. we gave them a great deal on the house and yet we're the ones who have to have the deck blocked off for 3 weeks and them coming over to our house at 9 o'clock at night. anyway. this will soon be over.
chris came for the weekend which was nice but when he and justin are together with the family it's sort of all about them. which is fine. but it would be nice to be noticed once in a while. lydia is great though. she and i get along really well. i hope i get along well with lauren, chris's gf. she's coming for 10 days over christmas break. we'll see how that goes.
not much else is going on. i'm doing school obviously. i have a test on monday, which is actually goos cause it means the homework load will be light for the rest of the week. i'm wishing deborah will grow a pair and tell michael what's up. i'll keep you posted about that. i know i told you both about how i have way too much time on my hands. i'm thinking about taking a few classes next semester. maybe jewelry, photography, massage, guitar. somethin like that. i would also like to join some sort of a sports team. but i have no idea where or how to do that.
also if you guys want to go to operation christmas child, i'm trying to organize a group to go. let me know what times would work best and if you know anybody who would want to go.
also what about catching fire? abby would you want to go see a late showing of it on the 22nd of november.
that's all i got. have a good week.