Thursday, June 26, 2014

Stuff and Fluff

I just recently found out that my family is moving. You both know and have seen pictures, but I'll just give you all the information I know. It is a very nice house that was built in the 70s but they just redid the kitchen and it looks fantastic. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 upstairs and 2 downstairs and 3 bathrooms. Samuel and I will be in the basement and there will be a guest room upstairs. There is a really big nice office upstairs for my dad and I think he's pretty happy about that. We are going to totally redo the back yard. My mom hates when there are rocks in the landscape so we're taking all the rock out and putting in gardens. Also we are going to design our own patio which is going to be cool! My parents are obsessed with HGTV right. I'm excited but at he same time not at all. It's gonna be a huge change because it is quite a bit smaller than our current house. It is nice though. Just the way everything has gone so smoothly so far makes us think that this is what God wants us to do. 

So The Count of Monte Cristo. I love the movie as I expressed in my last blog, and I watched it a couple times and just loved it so much so I decided to read the book! I am in love with it so far! (Keep in mind this is the abridged version). It's just so beautifully written and just a fantastic story!! 

So besides moving activities like starting to pack things up and going through my stuff and downsizing, I have had a pretty good summer so far. My mom and I are doing history together and I get to watch 300 and count it as school because we are studying Ancient Greece!! Pretty sweet.  
Alrighty that's it for now I suppose. I would appreciate prayers for calmness for moving, it stresses me out so much. 
Love you guys a lot!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Signs and Symptoms of Being an Adult

It's a disease that affects billions. Both men and women suffer from it. And the only way to not get it is to die before you are affected. What affliction am I speaking of? ADULTHOOD.

Here are the signs and symptoms of being an adult:
    SO much worry about money. All day, every day. do i have enough? how can i make more? Will i ever have enough? (the answer to that is no, btw.) So if you worry about money, congratulations you're an adult.
    Remember how as a little kid chores were from the devil? yeah when you're an adult you want to live in a clean environment. suddenly having a clean bathroom and no dishes in the sink makes you feel like you really have your life together (even thought you really don't.) sure sign of adulthood: wanting to do chores.
    This is a big one so listen up. bees are scary mother**ckers. as are wasps and all matter of flying or crawling creatures with 6 or 8 legs. but as an adult, you're the one who has to stay behind when everyone else is running screaming from the room and kill that nasty son of a gun. sucks to suck.
   Have you ever said 'because i said so' or 'don't make me come in there' ? If so, you might be an adult (or babysitting michael) especially if you have a special tone of voice that you use when saying such phrases. not even yelling, just this real dangerously quiet voice. use it once and BAM you're an adult.
   Going to bed is your favorite time of the day. or your morning cup of coffee. from the moment you get out of bed in the morning, you look forward to getting back in it.  this might just be me though...
   It's a helluva lot easier to ignore/forgive annoying little brothers and sisters. it just doesn't matter anymore if they are stupid. you're an adult and have more pressing concerns. (like money, remember) older brothers and sisters are still as annoying as ever though. funny how that works...
I'm sure that there are many many more but maybe i'm not a full-fledged adult yet. thank goodness.

quick update on me though:
I'm so busy it's crazy. I like being busy but this is a little ridiculous. i am tired all the time. I have only 2 evenings and two mornings that i don't do anything. and sundays. but those times are taken up with doing chores or errands that i don't have any other time for. july is looking just as busy cause even though class will be over, i have 90 hours of clinical shifts at Emergency Departments or ambulances. Then i have to look for and apply for jobs. gah. at least i'm making bank and getting to stick people with needles.
Speaking of needles, i'm loving my IV class. i don't know what i find so thrilling about sliding a thin hollow piece of metal into another person's vein but it's great.
well until next time. Abby, miss you and love you a lot. Brianna, i don't miss you because i see you what feels like every day to freaking run (gaaaaaah) but i do love you!

Monday, June 2, 2014

San Diego

So I am in San Diego at this moment in time. It's basically this amazing place that I am in love with by now. To the west is the ocean and to the east is the bay. Each within 2 blocks of my condo. It's beautiful is what I'm trying to say. It's also so nice here. It's cool and breezy all day long. It's just perfect to be here. I really like it.

So I shared my testimony like the first full day that we were here. With 4 other girls. Complete. Strangers. It was such an interesting experience. Technically, we haven't even shared our testimonies with each other even though we do life together all the time. I think we should.

So I went swimming in the ocean 2 days ago. It was amazing! Except this girl Anna and I were the only girls ACTUALLY swimming. All the other girls were laying out. So I was swimming with like 7 or 8 guys that were from CRU too. Back up. On the way there, I met this guy named Bryce (I think that's how you spell it) and he said that I have great hair. Well he said something like "cool hair because it's a different color" or something like that. So we were all swimming in the ocean. And he is hard core flirting with me. I'm talking splashing me with water, trying to push me into the waves, trying to trip me over himself, mocking my screams/giggles of delight at the waves. Hard core flirting. So then when I got out of the water, my friend Taylor said that he would teach me how to play the ukelele this summer. Anna and I want to ride a tandem bike with me on the back playing the ukelele. Yes. So anyway, Taylor had his ukelele so I went over there to try and learn and I'm really struggling so I'm trying to laugh it off and I can just tell he thinks I'm being all cutesy and stuff and he just continues to flirt and he tries to sit very close to me on the sand and he said "I'll sing the guy part and you can sing the girl part" in this LOVE SONG. So then he asked me what my major is and I said I'm a music major and he said he wanted to be a music major. For guitar and drum set. -_- under impressed am I. So then he asked me if I can sing and I say not really I mostly play classical music and I kid you not he goes "I have a friend who likes classical. What is wrong with you guys?" And so naturally he almost gets punched in the face. Then later that night, he found me in the crowd after the meeting and he invited me to the beach for a late night jam session on the beach. At night. With him. On the beach. In a romantic setting. I'm so under impressed. I don't know how that's gonna work out for him...

On another note, this guy at work just was staring into my eyes and he wouldn't break eye contact and then in the weirdest way possible, he goes "Are those your real eyes, because they are beautiful" and I was weirded out.

I also get to rent bikes, surf boards, paddle boards, wet suits, and anything else without a motor for FREE this summer!!! WHAT WHAT?!

Ok we seriously have to road trip out here some time when B isn't a baby anymore :)

Also, Count of Monte Cristo? Not a good movie. Read the book. The movie ruins everything.

I have to go. Make sure to write fast so that I can update more about my trip!!!

I love you two!!!
