Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ready for spring break.

So I'm just really tired and I really need a vacation and spring break is going to be the most amazing thing ever. It shall be legendary. 
School stuff is basically normal for me I still hate math and still love my writing class.
I really like my hair. That's totally random but I do.
So the fact that we each get to pick a movie for spring break is very difficult for me. I never had this much power before. I get to make you guys watch whatever I want you to watch (insert evil laugh). It's such a difficult decision for me I don't know what to do with all this power.
I had a whole list of stuff in my mind that I was going to blog about that I was thinking about it work and now that I'm home I can't remember a single thing, so this blog will be kind of short. In fact this is actually kind of the end. Yep I can't think of anything else to talk about.
But right now I'm tired so goodnight. I tots love ya both so much (Abby- absence makes the heart grow fonder!)
and I hope we will stay friends for-literally- ever. 
P.S. Just remembered something. Everyone at youth group calls me 
Bra-nay-nay now it's kinda cool. :) also Mika (Micah? Mica?) started coming to youth group!
P.P.S. It has begun. Skylyn (Sam Sam's GF) has friended me on Facebook. Their relationship must be gettin pretty serious.
P.P.P.S. Please can we play the song lyric game on spring break!?! I always ask and we never do!!! 
Also we should do the fake tattoo thing that Grace was talking about. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3 Things No One Tells You About Life

1. Money may not buy happiness, but it sure buys everything else. Remember when you were a little kid and money was this wonderful thing that you got when you did chores or when it fell out of your birthday card? Having $5 was like being a freakin millionaire or something. Well here's the cold hard truth. $5 barely buys you a tank of gas; and if you're gluten-free, $5 buys you one loaf of bread. And money is no longer a thing of joy, now it's this dark presence that is constantly hovering over you, no matter where you are or what you are doing. You will never feel secure in how much you have. It's hard to not be the person in 1 Timothy 6:10. (Yeah you have to look it up yourself. Don't be lazy.)

2. People suck. And you have to deal with them on a daily basis. I mean, every minute. People who don't use their blinkers, people who STILL don't take breath sounds in class, people who are incapable of taking a shower 10 minutes later than normal. Here is my advice to you on dealing with these sorts of people. First, try not to. Avoid direct confrontation at all costs. If direct contact is unavoidable, smile and nod and think about A.) Being on a beach with a stiff drink or B.) Punching their lights out. I can usually survive if I heed those principles. And then later I rant on and on to you guys or eat copious amounts of junk food. Ah well whatever it takes to not get arrested I suppose. I mean seriously, can you at least acknowledge the fact that my car could flatten you if I had not seen you?? It's called being a decent human being, people. 

3. Never underestimate the power of a private dance. And no, I am not talking about a lap dance; I know that's what both of you thought of immediately. Get your minds out of the gutter. But seriously, next time life is not going your way, do this: Find a room with a lock. Strip down to your underwear.(Wow this does sound like one of THOSE private dances. Hang in there.) Put your earphones in and pick your very favorite song ever. Turn it up as loud as you can bear. Turn off the lights. And dance your little heart out. And I mean dance! Jump on the bed, thrust your hips, do the Charlie Brown for Pete's sake. Try to block out all thoughts of anything else and drown yourself in the music. It's pretty great. Let me know when you try this and it changes your life. 

Well. That's about it. Those are the three things I wish I had been told before I was tossed out into the rubbish heap that is our world today. Also that Fruit Gushers are like manna from above. Sacré Bleú!!!!
Also enjoy this picture: 

Monday, March 3, 2014

I don't even have words to describe how sorry I am that I am the slowest blogger of all of us.

Well February was probably the most stressful month I have had in a while. And I don't even know why. I was just extremely stressed. Here's a few things:

1) I performed in studio class today in front of all the pianists in the school. I was so so so nervous. I think I sweat a liter and my mouth was all dry and I was shaky. But I did well. Dr. Korevaar says that I just need to perform a lot and then I won't be nervous. Only way out.

2) I am working on this piece of music called an Etude and it is kicking my butt. I don't know if I can play that fast. JUST FREAKING LOOK IT UP AND STOP DOUBTING ME. Chopin Etude Op. 10 No. 4.

3) I bought this music writing software and I am starting a project where I write pieces for everyone who is close to me. This'll take a while. I'll let you guys know when I make one for you because I'm pretty excited about it. Correction: I'll let you know when it passes my standards so you probably will never hear it. :)


5) I am so excited for Spring Break! WOOT WOOT!

6) I am going to San Diego this summer. What?! That's right. Be jealous

7) I swore I wouldn't turn into one of those girls who just wears leggings as pants, but they're so comfortable. Must. Not. Become. a. Sorority. Girl. is my new motto.

8) This was a good day for the washing machines to break in my dorm. Awkotaco. I need to do laundry. I have no socks.

9) Read Galations

10) Book club. Aww yeah.

So that's basically my life as of right now. Oh, and I finished the Office which means I probably won't be watching much Netflix so instead I can do things like my homework. What a novel idea! I can't wait for you two to come up tomorrow! I am super excited! Also, sorry for taking so freaking long to blog. Like every time :)
