Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Oops one more thing

So I saw Robocop last night, and I completely totally loved it. I don't even know why I love it so much! I just did! It was so cool!!! It was totally my kind of movie! That is all :)

Monday, February 17, 2014


Sorry I haven't blogged. I've been kinda busy. This is the time of year when I am really wishing Summer would come. At least Spring. I am done with the cold and snow and penguins and ICE! (Please understand that reference). Also I am done with school. I just want to graduate and be done. I do like school like my writing and my history classes. It's math. If I didn't have to do math I wouldn't be so anxious to be out of school. Oh well, I'll suck it up and get through it. 

I am completely obsesse with Star Wars right now. It's like all I think about lately! It's all I want to talk about! I'M SUCH A NERD!!!! Abby you know Josh the guy who works at Chickfila, his mom is my writing teacher and I had a Star Wars notebook and she comes up and starts talking to me about Star Wars and she said her husband who is a super smart high tech engineer, reads Star Wars books. I must meet him. An adult who reads Star Wars books. I am so happy because Clone Wars the cartoon series is going to be on Netflix on March 7th!!!! SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!! 

I love salt and vinegar chips.

Abby your party was awesome! That movie was great!!

Well I think that's all I got for right now. I gotta do math and then read a STAR WARS book. Farewell the loves of my life! Who needs a boyfriend when I have you guys!! Speaking of which, sometimes I really want a boyfriend but then I'm like eh, I don't have time and that is not yet necessary. Love you both tons!!! Later!!

P.S. Words cannot describe my excitement for spring break. Especially for that dessert place! I wa sick when we went there so I am suuuuper excited for that!!! Imma get fat on this trip!!!!! Yay!!!!!!! I had coffee today. I think ya starting to effect me. Omg coffee. Caffeine. Hey did I mention I like Star Wars? Cuz I do!!!! Okay I'm sorry I should prolly stop now. Bye!!!!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Three Cheers for Bacon

All righty dighty. Well done you both for blogging promptly. Well done me for blogging promptly. Well done us for being awesome. 

So. Let me sum up my life in a few sentences. 
1. What's that you say? Abby and I are getting an apartment together? Why yes, yes we are. AND IT'S GOING TO BE SO FREAKING AWESOME. Sigh. So flippin excited. 
2. EMT class. Starting to freak out about clinicals and practicals and stuff. Again I sigh. 
3. Michael. Huge sigh here. Need I say more. 
Those are the only things happening to me right now. Except I did get a very nice black jacket as a late Christmas present. And I love it. 

Also let's just take a moment to appreciate a few things: 
First of all, the Fast and Furious movies are super fantastic. I don't even know why I love them so much. Vin Diesel is so perfect for his role and Paul Walker is...perfect. It makes me incredibly sad that he is dead. :'(  
Second of all, I am kicking myself for not watching LOTR sooner. And Abby, I don't care what you say, Gollum is creepy as hell and Legolas is a sexy beast. 
Thirdly, I don't care what you say, B, the Muppets fall into the same category as Gollum. Creepy. As. Hell. 
Fourthly, I finished Grey's Anatomy on Netflix. Insert heaving sobs here. I guess I'll have to start it all over again!!!
Just kidding. 
Sort of. 

So. On to happier things. Such as......Spring Break!!!!!!!

Here is the breakdown of finances for the trip. This is per person:  
         Hotel: $80 a night 
         Food: $60(dinners)+$15(lunches)
         Other: $12(zoo)+$18(aquarium)
        Total: $185
There might be a little more, for gas and tax on the room and stuff. But the food might be less and the hotel has continental breakfast so yay. Safe to say $200. 
I found a restaurant called 1515 that is super nice. Look it up if you want. We can dress up really nice and stuff for that night. 
Also when exactly do we want to go? Mon, Tues, Wed nights? Let me know so I can try and reserve the rooms sooner that later. 
And when I say 'let me know' I mean it. When you read this,  text me with thoughts about all the spring break plans. :) please. 
That's it. I might be changing the Netflix password cause my family might be trying to steal it. I will accept possible alternatives. 
Have a nice weekend. Love you both lots!!!!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

My Awesome Week

This week has been CRA-A-ZY!!! So busy.

I went to Dr. Korevaar's piano recital on Tuesday for Free! It was awesome! I definitely think that your teacher really influences your performance style and I think that Korevaar has so much attention to detail and all this stuff that you guys probably don't care about. But every time that I have a lesson with him or see him perform, I just feel so much more sure of where I am supposed to be as far as school goes. I love it!

Also, I cam back from retreat and getting back into school NOT exhausted was hard. Because I was exhausted. I'm still tired. Also, retreat was AWESOME! I loved going as a leader. I love everything about retreat. I really think that you meet God there and it's awesome. I also just want to be the person who high schoolers feel comfortable talking to. Obviously, I'll never be as good at it or as trustworthy or as wise as Karla, but I want to at least not be pretentious and homeschooled (you know what I'm talking about…not that's it's inherently bad to be homeschooled).

On Wednesday, Grace and I went to look at an apartment? Wait, is that right? I don't know if I'm picking this up correctly…ARE WE OLD ENOUGH TO MOVE OUT AND DO WE ACTUALLY GET TO LIVE TOGETHER NEXT YEAR? Hell to the yeah.  :) B, you are welcome literally all the time. You can probably just live with us on our couch because that's how welcome you are. I am so so so so so excited because I don't have to live in the dorm, I get to live on my own, I get to live with my best friend, I love the apartment, and it's not nearly as expensive as a lot of other place. Oh and it is awesome. Wait I already said that. I'm just pretty much excited.

But this week has also been long because I have awkwardly had to help my friend with a break up (after 3 years) and that's hard because I hate relationships which is backwards because I love dating Seth.

So that's what my week has been like.

Oh and I can't wait for Spring Break! Just a little thing I'm looking forward to… :)

