Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Feelin Pretty Good and That's the Truth

I've never done something in my life that I was so proud of. I feel absurdly happy that I earned the Star of Life patch that came in the mail yesterday. I am also am feeling a little guilty because i really want people to get hurt and sick and keep doing stupid things and crashing their cars so i can save them. now i just have a crap ton of paperwork and job applications to get through. prayer that i get a job would be much appreciated.

i know i told you both about John and Billy and Shane, the paramedic and EMTs i worked with. i really wish i could just work with them the rest of my career, but i know there will be other people just as awesome as them. meanwhile i will sit in my car and cry every time i see a fire truck or ambulance or hear sirens cause i wish i could go along. ah well. my time will come.

Also, guess what? this is gonna be a huge shock, so you better sit down.here goes....... Abby and I signed a lease!!!!!!! well not really. i just paid almost $900 and we got an address. but still. feeling like an adult. now to buy a microwave.

did i tell you that i am no longer driving a car? it is now an oven, seeing as how the a/c is broken and the windows won't go down. I was driving michael the other day and i look back and he has the silver thing that you put in your windshield to reflect that sun. he has it on top of him like a turtle shell trying to stay cool. he's so weird...but the good news is that it's at the mechanic right now. i'll be using my tax refund to pay for it. blech

i think i told you both this, but my mom is taking my rent money ($150 a month) and collecting it and she's going to give it back to me when i leave. i am very thankful for that.

also we need to go camping or at least hiking before abby leaves. at least we need to give you a send-off party! :D and celebrate me. and brianna graduating!!! so many good things happening!

 ok i think that's it. Have a fantastic week.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Welp, Obviously blogging is not my forte. Good thing I don't do this for a living.

Basically, I am very stressed out right now. I have so much stuff to get done in the next few weeks. And I want them all to be amazing. I was going to write a Listz of all the stuff, but I wrote it all down to on paper and it's too long to transfer. Yeah... I'm about to throw a tempo tantrum -_-

On a high note however...

1.) After many minor setbacks it is official: GRACE AND I ARE SIGNING OUR LEASE ON FRIDAY!!! WOOT WOOT I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED
2.) I talked to Dr. Korevaar about studying abroad and he suggested Australia. Don't have to tell me twice!
3.) I get to accompany Mary for her senior recital in the fall!
4.) I got my first donation for San Diego and I feel reassured.
5.) I am almost done with my first year of college!
6.) I get a crap ton of extra money next year hence the reason why I will get to study abroad (forget about a 2 week trip somewhere!) This is a major development because I get to do what I want now!
7.) I had the best spring break in the history of the world. I think I have looked at the pictures like 20 times
8.) I get to play this badass piece next semester: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAsvRHXR_DE  yeah. It's badass. I have provided the link as a preview of coming attraction. (I predict that B will watch it and Grace will not... <---accurate.)
8.5.) I played in class today. Baby got Bach. Even if I screwed up Bach...
9.) I am in love with this piece I am playing right now! It's so much fun to play!
10.) I am completely and utterly annoyed by people who go to the treble of ridiculing my degree. I can't stand them. They just don't measure up to these standards in the music school.
11.) I am signing up for my classes on Friday and I am so excited about them! I get to take an art class!

Also, I am reading this sharp book called Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and I highly highly highly recommend it! It's awesome! Also the Bible but you know...

Keepin' it trill bro.

Find all the music puns and I'll be your best friend. Oh wait.